just in case, harry also sends a quick message to both niall and zayn, hoping that maybe one of them have at least heard from him. in a time
of crisis, zayn would usually be the one louis turned to if it wasn't harry.

harry slowly makes his way out of bed, heading down to the kitchen for some breakfast. something to eat should hopefully make the ache in his head a little better.

he takes out a couple of pieces of bread to stick into the toaster. while the bread toasts, harry uses his time to slice an avocado to put on the toast. the only good thing about being away from louis is the fact that he is currently allowed to have avocados in the house. of course, louis doesn't know about this, but even if he did, there's not much he could do about it while being several thousand miles away. still, harry would forever give up avocados just to have louis here with him.

avocados always make harry think of louis. harry finds his hatred of the fruit endearing and amusing. louis has never been one to bite his tongue over things he didn't like, and avocados are no different.

after a couple of minutes, the toaster goes off, signaling that the toast is done and harry just spent multiple minutes fonding over his husband's opinions of avocados. he doesn't know if that means he misses louis too much, or if he is just so deeply in love with him. probably both.

harry liberally spreads the avocado over the toast. his mouth is now watering, looking forward to the moment when he can finally take a bite. while preparing the breakfast, harry's text alert goes off from the kitchen table.

harry drops the knife he was holding and rushes to the phone, nearly crashing into the counter due to his socks on the slippery tile floor. the near-fall slows him down a couple seconds, but harry has his phone in his hands in no time. his fingers quiver as he types in his passcode, hoping more than anything that he received a text from louis.

much to harry's disappointment, the text is just from niall. he was letting harry know that he had not heard from louis, but if he did, he would text harry right away.

harry grabs his plate and sits down at the table, picking at the toast. his appetite has been almost completely lost. excessive stress has always caused some hinderance on harry's appetite, so it is not surprising to him that his worry over his husband starts making it difficult for him to eat.

for some reason, the fact niall confirmed that he has not heard from louis makes the whole situation feel more real. niall is in ireland right now. there is no reason why louis would have to contact him there, so niall not hearing anything doesn't have to mean anything. so then why did that make him worry so much more?

there is a part of harry that just hopes that louis and liam both don't have their phones on them. maybe louis dropped his phone in the toilet and water damage has prevented him from contacting harry. maybe liam misplaced his, or left it at home so they could focus more on their writing without any distractions. there are a thousand different reasonable explanations that could explain why they haven't contacted him. even so, harry is starting to think about the worst.

louis and harry talk every day. even since the x-factor, there has not been a day that goes by that the two didn't speak. harry believes that is important. lack of communication is what kills all relationships. they are constantly together and talking. harry firmly believes that is one of the main reasons he and louis has been going so strong for so long. that is why it is so unusual for louis to ignore so many calls.

last night, harry's first thought when his call was left unanswered was that louis was drunk. most likely, the first thing louis did when he got off the phone with simon was to get a drink. that is predictable louis behavior. most conversations with simon end in alcohol, and not even just for louis. even if he drank himself to sleep, he should be awake by now.

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