The End or The Beginning

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"Hello citizens of Musutafu!"

'Shigaraki Tomura! And that must mean Kurogiri is here too. What exactly happened when I passed out? What was that drug? ' Be began to think back hard, trying to resummon the images before he passed out. 'A sleeping drug! But wait, that still doesn't explain why I can't move. Is it a quirk? But no one in the league has a paralysis type quirk... unless! All for One has a new quirk?! No, I can't immediately think that, but its definitely a possibility.' Midoriya began thinking hard about this new revelation as Shigaraki continued.

"You all probably recognize me as the Leader of the League of Villains. But today I do not approach you under that title, but under the title of Shigaraki Tomura. As you can see next to me is UA student and aspiring hero Midoriya Izuku now also known as Stardust. Many of you see him as a great hero, a person of power he uses for the greater good! A new All Might perhaps?" He paused as more and more people began watching the event. Tomura evilly smiles. "Well you see I hate All Might and heroes in general with a GREAT passion. And THIS hero," He grabs Midoriya by the back of his collar and shoves him forward, his toes now over the edge of the building, "has been quite a pain in my side for a looong time."

The people watching the news on the TV can see as Tomura looks to Kurogiri and nod. Kurogiri opens a portal as a giant bird like beast appears. Nomu. Not the same as the one at the USJ, this one has been amplified greatly!

"You see Midoriya here decided to call himself The Everlasting Hero! Don't make me laugh! Everything has to end at some point, there is no such thing as Everlasting." He spat,

'Where are the heroes! I Can't do anything alone! ' Uraraka was panicking on the ground, just then she saw some familiar faces. 'Bakugou! Todoroki! Everyone! Yes! With all of us here we can try something! But that Nomu is gonna be a huge problem.' She took Mina and Eri and pulled them to the other students of 1-A.

"Uraraka! What's going on? Where are the damn heroes?!" Bakugou said, he wasn't yelling, he was speaking in a worried tone.

"I don't know whats happening, all I know is that they showed up with Midoriya out of nowhere and began his 'preaching' or whatever! We have to help him!"

Bakugou nodded, as did Todoroki. They started planning rapidly, what could they do? "As I said, Nothing in this world is eternal, infinite, everlasting. And to show you that I have Midoriya here to be the example!" When 1-A heard this come from the TV speakers their breathing hitched. 'What does he mean?! ' They stopped talking and looked up to the rooftop. Shigaraki whispered something to the Nomu and looked back to the helicopter infront of him. "These here," He pointed to the cuffs on Midoriya's hands, "Are quirk suppressant cuffs! Very good ones at that! Now Im sure that most of you know this boy's quirks. One of which being his ability to heal ridiculously fast. But what would happen if he was Stripped of that power? Its quite simple really. Nomu, do it."

Everyone below and everyone watching on the news heart skipped a beat when the beast beside Shigaraki pulled its arm back and speared Midoriya through the center of the chest with little to no effort at all. "NO!!!" 1-A yelled, tears were streaming from everyone's eyes. Mothers and fathers covered little children's eyes as they could only watch on in horror.

'Eh? Whys everyone yelling? Did something happen? ' Midoriya thought on the top of the roof, he suddenly felt his movement return to him. 'Ah! I can move again! Well first I guess I should-' Midoriya tried to turn around, but he couldn't. 'Why can't I turn? ' Midoriya then felt the resistance coming from his chest, he looked down and saw a Pitch Black arm protruding from his chest, a red substance covering some parts of it. 'Is that... blood? Who's hurt? And, why do I feel dizzy all of a sudden? Whats. H-happening... I feel... weak.'

Slowly the realization hit him, that was his blood! The lack of blood had made him delirious. He now looked at the bloody arm with a new light. He wanted to scream but he couldn't, the arm had punctured both lungs, broken his ribcage, severed his intestines and plunged through his stomach. He felt weaker and weaker as the arm was removed quickly from his chest. The blood started pouring out. 'Ah... I remember this feeling... Im dying aren't I? ' He thought, he was calm. Probably too calm for this situation. He felt a massive hand wrap around his neck as he was being steadily lifted from the ground and raised above the streets of Musutafu.

He watched mesmerized as he watched his own blood drop from his chest to the ground. 'One... two... three... four... five... Five seconds to reach the ground eh. Haah, this really sucks man...' His consciousness was slipping. He looked up, his vision was blurry. He looked around him again, his eyes set down on the smiling face of Shigaraki Tomura. 'N-no, wait, I cant lose... not yet! I won't! I WON'T! I... wont... lose...' His eyes closed as his breath left him and his body went limp in the Nomu's grasp.

"Nomu, drop it."

The Nomu released its grip on Midoriya's neck and left everyone below to watch helplessly as the limp body of the teenager plummet to the ground and give a heavy crunching splatter sound as it made contact with the concrete. As his body lay there motionless, the blood began to seep through his wounds.

Uraraka, Bakugou, Todoroki and the rest of 1-A were watching the whole thing, but no one could move. No one was crying, they were all simply just staring. That was until Eri ran from Uraraka's hand towards Midoriya's body. "Noooo! Nonono!" Eri wailed as she ran, tears streaming from her eyes. As Eri finally made it to his body she collapsed at his side and began to shake him, "You gotta wake up! You got to! Please daddy!" She started to half scream half wail into his motionless chest, devoid of all breathing, of all life.

Uraraka started to slowly walk her way to Eri along with the rest of 1-A. She went down on her knees next to his face. She took her hand and gently placed it on his cheek. 'S-so cold...' She thought, the tears started, she began to wail along with Eri and she was quickly followed by the rest of the class.




'What happened... I can't remember...' Midoriya thought. 'Its cold and wet here... where am I? ' He tried looking around but all he saw was darkness. Then he heard something, a splashing sound. He looked up to see a clawed hand reaching for him, it grabbed his collar and hauled him up.

"Welcome back Master Izuku! I hope your doing well!"


word count: 1802

Izuku Everlasting (MHA AU // OP Deku)Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ