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Reys POV
It has been about a month or two since I'd seen Ben... Since he asked me to join him since I closed the door on him and left. I couldn't bare to see Ben or to Forcetime him. Every time I felt his presence I would run and ignore him. I just can't believe it I do love him I did want to join Ben but.. I would never join Kylo I hated Kylo he was a murderer a monster but Ben he was different... And yes I know Ben and Kylo are the same person I just mean that Ben is his true self rather than the mask he's hiding under as Kylo. Maybe I should have said something too him I just left. I sensed that I had broken his heart,  he had broken mine.. I was interrupted by Leia
"Rey ready for the training course ?"
"Yes master I'll be there in a minute" I smiled at her.
After Luke died Leia had begun to train me. I was running the training course everything was fine until the flashbacks started. I saw Ben asking me to join him, me screaming when my parents left, and me and Kylo on the sith throne... A tear ran down my cheek. Oh no I run over to BB8 who I had just dropped a tree on.
"I'm so sorry BB8." I say as I run back to Leia
"I didn't finish the training course , I know it looks like I'm making up excuses but.."
"Don't tell me what things are like tell me what they are" Leia said to me.
I hesitated and quickly thought of an excuse
"I think I'm just tired that's all" I say as I give Leia a weak smile.
Truth is I have been tired a lot lately ever since Ben and I touched hands. I've felt tired and sometimes sick, so sick I would sometimes throw up. When I looked at Leia I knew she wasn't buying my excuse but she didn't say anything.
Leias POV
I knew Rey was obviously lying but I just went along with it the weird thing was something felt different about Reys presence. Her force felt like their was another. She couldn't be....could she..?
"Rey can I talk to you".. Just then I was interrupted
"Rey the falcons back" "Falcons on fire"!
"Sorry master can we continue this later" and Rey ran off.
Reys POV
I didn't want to leave Leia but my friends were back and it sounded like the falcon had crashed.
"What happened?" 
"It's all on fire"
"Hans ship!"
"What did you do to the falcon!?"
"What did you do to my droid!?"
"BB8s not on fire!"
"What's left of him isn't on fire !"
"Tell me what happened!"
"You tell me first!"
"You know what you are, your difficult really difficult your a difficult man"
"you ugg" Poe said and walked off as I ran over to Finn.
Poe's POV
Rey has been really aggravated lately just going off at me like that!? She dropped a tree on BB8 she really needs to control her anger. I mean what the hell happened when she went to find Luke, did we miss something important. And even if I did want to know every time anyone mentions Achtoo Rey either cry's or storms out so I'm not going to ask. I mean she's got the force what if she like force chokes me!? Come on Poe it's Rey calm down but somethings been really off lately. Rey strangely just stormed off after I said Palpatine had returned. And now she says she know how to find Exegol!? What?! Somethings definitely off with her.
Reys POV
I better go find Leia she obviously wanted to tell me something. I knock on Leia's door. "Hello master it's Rey you wanted to talk to me?"
"Oh yes Rey do come in dear"  "Rey I'm worried about you.." "You've just seemed really off since you went to Achtoo". She continues to talk
"And today I sensed something about you.." "Rey did you and my son ever... you know.."
I gasped in shock "No!" 
"umm well I mean the closest we ever got to that is when I saw him shirtless" I start to blush a little.
"And I wasn't going to tell you that" I said embarrassed.
"But Rey anything else..?"
"Well we also have a force connection.."I pause
"and we touched hands through it" A tear starts to fall down my face remembering that moment.
Oh Ben how I missed him how I wanted to go to him but as much as I wanted to I knew I couldn't... He's chosen his side. I I really thought I could turn him back to the light with my love.. with our connection... I saw it when we touched hands.. I saw Our future. But as much as I see him fall deeper into the darkness I know there's still light in him... I have hope there is....
Leias POV
I could see Rey deeply cared about my son and he had broke her heart. I now knew Rey really was what I thought she was after the information she gave me. I handed an ancient Jedi text to Rey.
"Please read this line aloud." She looked confused but read it anyway
"Two can conceive through the force when there is a bond or connection displayed in touch through...." She stopped reading
"Oh my god you you don't think I'm.."
I quickly cut Rey off, "Rey I believe you are pregnant and I believe my son"
I paused "Ben is the father...."

Hey I hope you liked this chapter this was one of my first fanfics so it might not be that great in the beginning but it gets better anyway once you've read

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