He was utterly unfazed. "Why not ask Joaquin or something?"

"Why would I ask Joaquin when I have a perfectly good boyfriend right here?" you asked, crossing your arms. "Anyways, do you really want him being in a sort-of couples costume with me?"

"I can't say I'd care, even if he wasn't gay." He smiled and kissed you lightly on the cheek. "I happen to be very confident in our relationship. Confident enough to turn down your ludicrous offer to be a part of a group costume for Halloween."

You groaned loudly, tipping your head back on the couch with annoyance. "Sweet Pea, I'm going to kill you."

"Does that mean I wouldn't have to dress up?"

You let out a low sigh, untucking your legs from underneath you and scooting out of his arm. "That's it. I'm done. You've beat me, and I'm not going to argue with you anymore." You slid off the couch and slipped on your shoes. "You know what would make me happy here, Pea, and you know it's not that hard. Show up or don't tomorrow. I don't care." With a sharp sigh, you grabbed your coat and started for the door. "See you guys tomorrow."

"Babe, I—"

The door was shut before he had a chance to finish the sentence.

"Smooth, Sweet Pea," Jughead said, finally looking up from his computer screen and trying not to smile.

"Can it, Jones," he grumbled, crossing his arms to hide his clenching fists.

"Really, man," Fangs added. "Is it that hard to put on a costume? An easy one, at that. Her first idea was the Scooby Doo gang, but I vetoed that because one of us would have to be Scooby, and even I thought that was too much."

Sweet Pea gave his friend a skeptical look. "So that you had the common sense to veto?"

"Man, Y/N's right," Toni sighed. "Trying to reason with you is exhausting. I don't know why she even tries."

Sweet Pea had to admit to himself that that one hurt a little—he didn't think not wanting to put on a costume was that unreasonable. "I just don't see why she cares so much. It's just Halloween."

"Why do you care so much?" Toni countered.

"Because I—" he paused, recognizing that the real reason, that he thought it was lame and a waste of time, would not go over well in the present company. "I don't know, okay."

"Well," Toni continued. "You may want to figure it out because Y/N's going to be pissed if you don't show up tomorrow." She grabbed her bag and started walking toward the door of the trailer. "And that means in the costume. Show up without it, and you may as well start digging your own grave."

"Yeah, yeah, yeah," he drawled. "Whatever you say, Toni."

She rolled her eyes as the door shut behind her.

Fangs gave his friend an inquisitive look. Sweet Pea had always been stupidly stubborn, but it was unlike him to deny Y/N any request, no matter how much he didn't want to do something. "So, what are you going to do?"

"I don't know, man."

"Yeah, you do."

"Yeah, I do."

After an hour at the party, you still couldn't get over the Sweet Pea-sized absence in your group. The costume was still cool, sure, but it was just kind of sad only having four of the five. Luckily, there was enough free alcohol that you could attempt to drink away how mad you were at your boyfriend.

"He might still show up," Betty offered, her pigtails bouncing as she bobbed her head to the music. "It's only 10:00."

"Says the girl with the coolest group costume here," you grumbled. "You guys look awesome."

"You look awesome too, Y/N," Betty said, giving your costume an appraising look. "Even without Sweet Pea, you guys did great."

Even her flattery couldn't improve your mood. You took another sip of the horrible orange punch Reggie had concocted and attempted to smile. "Thanks, Bets, really."

"Anytime." She gave you a brief side-hug before heading back out onto the dance floor to join Toni and Cheryl.

You looked down at your cup with a sigh and lifted it to your lips to finish off the sicky sweet drink. Just as the cup touched your lips, though, the music shut off. Everyone jerked to a stop, and a few people let out shouts of annoyance. Then, the music started again, and you couldn't help but smile slightly.

"Hey, hey, hey, hey,

Ooooh, woah."

You turned to look across the room at Moose who had been on music duty all night. He smiled back, nodding toward the massive sliding glass door in the back of the room. What you saw there made your jaw drop.

Sweet Pea: dressed as John Bender and fist-pumping to the beat of the music.

With a devilish grin, he walked into the house, singing along to the chorus.

"Don't you, forget about me,
Don't, don't, don't, don't,
Don't you, forget about me."

"Sweet Pea!" You pulled him into a hug. "You came, and you wore the costume!"

"Of course I did, babe," he replied, grabbing your waist and pulling you close. He looked down at your pink v-neck and long brown skirt with an amused smile. "What kind of boyfriend would I be to say no to my princess?"

You couldn't contain your grin as you kissed him. "Sweet Pea, you're the best boyfriend ever."

"Oh, come on now, we both know that's not true."

"Just let me believe it for tonight."

"Deal." He bent down to press his lips into yours again. The kiss was slow, soft—the kind of kiss that meant Sweet Pea didn't know how to put what he was feeling into words. Then, he pulled back, biting his lip in an attempt to hold back a smile. "Happy Halloween, princess."

"Happy Halloween, Sweet Pea."

"Told you he'd show," Fangs said, walking over with a spare beer in his hand for Sweet Pea. "Guy's way too whipped not to."

Toni laughed and slipped her camera off her neck. "He's not whipped, Fangs." She smiled softly. "He just loves his girlfriend."

"Can't argue with that," Sweet Pea replied, taking the beer and wrapping his free arm around his waist. "Now, take the damn picture so I can get out of this getup."

"Sweet Pea!" you chided. "You better not."

"Kidding, babe," he laughed.

Toni handed Cheryl her camera, and the five of you lined up, arms around each other. Everyone was laughing and smiling, and Sweet Pea bent down to kiss your cheek just as the camera flashed. It really was the best Halloween ever.

Credits to: lost in my mind (southsidewrites

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Credits to: lost in my mind (southsidewrites.tumblr.com)

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