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Episode Five - Part One

Chapter Thirty-Two - "Don't give him ideas May."



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THOMAS AND ANGELICA FOUND themselves back at May's mansion, the two having driven up after several days sorting things out in Small Heath. The two had a desire to see how the filly had gotten on with training, and so had set off the early hours of Friday morning.

The sun shine rather brightly down on them as Angelica's eyes scanned the lively green which spread for miles as they walked toward the stables. The trees waved with the light breeze which kept the three cool from the warm sun which dominated the blue sky.

Angelica found herself with her arm hooked in Thomas's, hand in hand with Thomas, the man's thumb rubbing circles into the bottom of her thumb, the two were following May Carleton into the stables, which seemed to be only half filled with horses who all watched on with a gaze as regal as May.

"Mick?" May asks the man looking up at his mistress with a nod. "This is Angelica O'Brien and Thomas Shelby, they've come to check up on her filly." May states, Mick looks at the two with disgust.

Thomas however ignores him as he turns his head to May, their eyes meeting narrowed as Thomas noticed she had introduced Angelica first and called the filly hers and not theirs as if afraid Mick would mistake them as a couple.

"Yes, I've heard about you." Mick tells them. He looks over Angelica, noticing the way she held herself with such grace, while a Peaky Blinder held her arm.

"Mick is the best horseman in England." May states. Angelica raises a brow, showing she believed she knew someone better, in her case she really did think Curly was the best horseman in England, he understood them far better than anyone else she knew.

"He likes to waste money, I know that." Thomas scoffs and Mick looks up at Thomas glaring. "According to the reports I've been given, you're spending two pound a month on worming powder." Thomas tells as he glares at the man.

Angelica could feel the way the man has tensed as he watched Mick, it was clear Thomas didn't like the way Mick was looking at her, or the way he was wasting money on things that are solved with a simple solution.

"What? You want a horse with worms?" Mick asks sneeringly and Angelica rolled her eyes, rather bored with his attitude considering he was being paid a fair amount.

"Horses get worms from the water trough." Angelica tells him simply, her eyes directed at her nails which she was checking were okay, therefore she missed Thomas proud look.

Angelica knew horses, she knew they trusted her but she didn't know horses like Thomas did, she didn't know racing like he did either. So, when they were together and talking, Thomas would explain the things he knew and Angelica would do her best to listen.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 03 ⏰

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