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Episode Three - Part Four

Chapter Twenty-Seven - "This. Us. Whatever the fuck we are doing!"



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"ALL RIGHT NOW LADS, this is a respectable event and we will all behave accordingly." Thomas orders the group. "No weapons, no drinking." He lists.

Angelica were sure the group looked quite the sight, the large group of Peaky Blinders walking in with their peaked caps, her looking like a rich princess but with the fire from her earlier rant still bubbling within her bones and biting in her eyes.

"John, we will stay together. When the horse comes up, I will do the bidding. I've already registered my interest with the auctioneer. So, he knows to expect my bids." Thomas explains as the group ascend up a staircase, Angelica's anger had barely calmed as she strutted in front of the men with an air of grace that left those around her speechless.

"Do I get to run a hand over her, Tommy?" Curly asks excited as they walk onto the balcony area.

"We'll have a vet's report, Curly. But keep an eye open when she walks." Thomas orders as the group all stop in the open space.

"I've got a feeling, Tommy. Something isn't right." Curly says.

Angelica looks up and she makes eye contact with a pale brunette woman, her eyes were dark and enticing and she was extremely pretty, yet what got Angelica's attention were her lips, they were in a line yet her eyes were curiously scanning Angelica in confusion at their late arrival. Angelica smirks at the woman.

"It's all right, Curly. You're just in an unfamiliar place, we all are." Thomas reassures the man as he watches Angelica's eyes scan a woman on the other end of the balcony.

"I get feelings sometimes, Tommy." Curly tries again, his eyes were flying around the room cautiously.

Angelica agreed with the simple man, strangely enough she found herself tense as she checked around, eyes watching ever move someone else made, she wondered if she had been placed on edge by Sabini's threat more than she realised.

"It's all right, Curly. It's all right." Thomas tries, his icy eyes trying to be soft as they try and calm the simple man.

"Shut up, Curly." John scoffs. Angelica rolls her eyes at the group as she watches the next horse that is brought out.

"Morals of Marcus, Sedgemere stud, by Tetrarch out of Lady Josephine. We'll start the bidding at 800 guineas." The auctioneer calls.

"All right, Tommy, this is her." Charlie says to Thomas who straightens up slightly. The woman Angelica had spotted leans over and says something to the man next to her who nods.

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