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Episode Six - Part One

Episode Fourteen - "As long as you're there to offer me the first dance in hell, then I don't mind."



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ANGELICA BUSTLED INTO The Garrison whistling a tune which was stuck in her head the entire morning. She had a cigarette in her fingers, her feet dance her around the room.

She could hear a tired sighs echo from the back room and the woman could guess Arthur was looking over the books out back.

While Arthur was new to the job Angelica admired how much work he was putting into it, he was there early and left late so she enjoyed him as a boss.

However, there was a large lump of guilt which filled her heart every time Harry would come in for his shifts, demoted to nothing but a barman in a pub he once owned.

Angelica filled a cup with whiskey placing two ice cubes in the glass and she walked into the room and placed the glass down next to the man who looked up at her with a bright smile.

"You are just the best El." Arthur grins, Angelica sends him a wink as she moves back to the main room of the pub.

Pulling down chairs and opening the bar, Angelica pulls out a cigarette from her pocket and lights it quickly, letting it hang from her lips, the woman hummed as she exhaled the smoke.

Angelica continues her humming as she dances around and smokes her cigarette. Her necklace flies around her neck as the woman dances happily.

Angelica was not sure why she was in such a good mood, but it seemed to not bother her as she jumped in intricate steps around the pub, her lips turned up at the edges as she took another long drag of her cigarette.

Her thin hands moved chairs as she hummed along, pushing them into the tables and ready for the busy day she was sure they were to have. Her head buzzed with the rush from the cigarette and a slight nausea wave hit her from all her spinning.

She is so caught up in her own little world she doesn't hear Thomas Shelby enter the pub, his icy eyes watching her with a melted softness as she danced herself dizzy, her hands working to open the pub up.

Thomas couldn't help but think that if he had any more time, he'd have joined her, wanting to take her in his arms and twirl her away from Small Heath. Turning on her feet Angelica swings her arms out as she turns.

Continuing her song Angelica leaped from foot to foot as she placed the chairs out around the pub. She turned with her hair and head still the other way and she crashed straight into Thomas's chest, grabbing her waist, he stabled then dizzy woman.

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