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Episode Three - Part Two

Chapter Twenty-Five - "I fucking hate you."



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ANGELICA JUMPED HAPPILY OUT of the car into Alfie's awaiting arms, which caught her expertly. Thomas's shout of warning was ignored as Angelica laughed with her long time friend, Thomas rolling his eyes in annoyance at them.

"Hey Ellie." Alfie laughs as he puts the woman down next to Thomas who immediately wraps an arm around her waist. "Thomas." Alfie nods as the two exchange a tense greeting and at it Angelica rolls her eyes.

Angelica follows after Thomas, who follows Alfie toward the bakery, the three going down a steep set of concrete stairs to where rows of men filled the small room underneath. Thomas's arm wrapped around Angelica as she got the the last step and Thomas kept her tight against him as they join Alfie.

"All right, boys, you've now all been enrolled as bakers in the Aerated Bread Company of Camden Town. If anyone asks, that's what you do. You're bakers." Thomas begins. 

Angelica can see the way the men look at Thomas, the respect they held for him obvious by the way they all straightened their postures, the way their eyes followed him. They not only respected Thomas Shelby, they feared him.

"The coppers in Camden Town are on our side, but North or South, you show them that piece of paper. Tell them you've come down from north to find work, to break strikes. Tell them you're fascists, if you have to." Thomas explains.

Angelica could see the way that they would not find London much different from Birmingham and the Black Country, there was a fight, the police force were in on it and they were fighting for someone else and to stay alive.

"We're finding lodgings for you, but for now you'll sleep here in the bakery. But don't touch any of the bread, it'll most likely explode." Thomas rants and the men nod.

"Any questions?" Angelica asks. The men reported to her as much as Thomas, because she ran with the Shelbys and she was Angelica, she was someone to be feared. A man raised his hand. "Yes?" Angelica asks.

"I haven't even seen any bread." The man states and some men laugh at the joke.

Alfie scoffs as he gets up, he walks past Angelica to the man who made the joke. Everybody stopped laughing rather quickly, Angelica wrinkled her nose, finding the sudden halt creepy. Alfie paused before sending his fist flying into the man next to the joker knocking him out instantly. Alfie looks at the joker murderously.

"He'll wake up." Alfie states angrily. "Granted, he won't have any teeth left, but he will be a wiser man for it." Alfie adds. "And the last thing he will remember is your funny little joke. Won't he?" Alfie asks.

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