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Episode Two - Part Two

Chapter Twenty-One - "I'm her fiancé."



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ANGELICA ROLLED HER EYES at the obviously new worker of Alfie's as the man wouldn't let them in. If he had been someone from years ago, Angelica and Thomas would most likely have already been in the man's office.

Angelica sighed again smoking rather bored as Thomas tried to get the man to understand that they were here for Alife. The man was a large man and towered over both of them yet neither were frightened.

"Put him down, Ollie. Put him down, mate. He's only little." Alfie Solomon's voice echoed. The man let them through, Angelica held back a smirk, when Alfie called Thomas little. It was not a secret that Thomas wasn't the tallest man, Arthur was just taller as was John.

"Just you two on your own?" Alfie asks Thomas obviously not fully looking at Angelica. The woman rolled her eyes at Alfie's dismisses nature of talking to Thomas first, and not sparing her a true look.

"Seems so." Thomas nods.

"Well, you're a brave lad, ain't you?" Alfie asks, almost like a parent. "What about you miss?" Alfie asks. Angelica looks at him dead in the eyes and his mouth drops. "Angelica O'Brien." He laughs and she launches herself into his large arms. "Where the fuck have you been for years?" Alfie asks.

Alfie's hug was tight, and despite being a gangster he seemed no less intimidating, even when wrapping his large limbs around the fierce brunette who had let out a gleeful laugh at the man's tight embrace, forgetting how safe it felt.

Thomas stiffly stood behind him, the revelations that came to him last night were unexpected, slightly and did not help the jealousy he felt whenever someone even looked at Angelica. Let alone hugged her as close as Alife had.

"I've been busy. You look great Alfie!" Angelica smiles, he smiles happily at her.

"You running with this devil then?" He asks. "Heard you got yourself a boyfriend!" Alfie cheers and Angelica sighs.

"He's not my bloody boyfriend." She mutters, as she runs a hand over her arm, the men around them were not shy with their eyesight as they watched her, not that it bothered her.

"That's correct." Thomas says. "I'm her fiancé." Thomas says as he wraps a tight arm around her waist. Angelica wants to turn and slap him, yet cannot at the true shock of what had just come out of Thomas's mouth, if entirely honest, Thomas hadn't expected it either.

"Really? Well would you look at that!" Alfie says.

It was obvious he wasn't falling for it, yet all the men around them suddenly turned away and stopped wandering eyes, obviously believing the lie. Angelica wondered if that was why Thomas had done it, or if there was another game afoot.

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