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'In the bleak midwinter'

"There are other ways of carrying out this mission. Please allow me to put a bullet in this scum tinker's head and his fucking girlfriend." The man demands.

Angelica rolls her eyes and groans loudly, her hand pushing her hair back as she turns her body and looks at the man, eyes glaring as she decided to use Thomas's tricks against this man as well.

"I am not his girlfriend Donal Henry." Angelica says simply. "Anyone ever tell you your name is the wrong way round?" She asks, her voice sickly sweet.


'Angels and Arc Angels'

"You running with this devil then?" He asks. "Heard you got yourself a boyfriend!" Alfie cheers and Angelica sighs.

"He's not my bloody boyfriend." She mutters, as she runs a hand over her arm, the men around them were not shy with their eyesight as they watched her, not that it bothered her.

"That's correct." Thomas says. "I'm her fiancé." Thomas says as he wraps a tight arm around her waist. Angelica wants to turn and slap him, yet cannot at the true shock of what had just come out of Thomas's mouth, if entirely honest, Thomas hadn't expected it either.


'May have travelled there'

"Shit!" Angelica calls as she runs away from the two she grabs Thomas's hand and drags him with her as the other two chase them. Arthur wraps his arms around Angelica spinning her around as they fly through the front door.

"Run for the hills! It's the Digbeth Kid!" Angelica jokes loudly.

"Get out of town, kid, or I will shoot your fucking head off " John calls as he tumbles through the door into Arthur who drops Angelica as they pull out their guns pretending to shoot each other.


'Cherubim and Seraphim'

"Hey kid." Angelica smiles as she hugs Michael who hugs her back. "You're in the back okay?" Angelica asks. Michael nods and kisses Polly on the cheek before getting into the truck with the other Blinders.

Angelica could see the apprehension in her eyes as she watches Michael disappear into the back of the truck and Angelica sympathises as Polly sighs. She takes Polly's hands with a smile on her face.

"Look after him. Please?" Polly asks and Angelica smiles and nods.

"You don't even have to ask." Angelica promises Polly. "But he's your son, I think he'll be just fine." Angelica adds and Polly chuckles as she hugs Angelica.


'Thronged the air'

"When I drove into Small Heath, I thought I was going to get murdered." May admits to them and Angelica snorts in humour at that. "Then I mentioned your names. It was like being escorted to see a king and a queen." May continues and Angelica chuckles.

"You came here to get my girl, right?" Thomas asks, a double meaning hidden in his words.

"Right." May nods, yet there seemed to be a double meaning hidden in her words as she looked at Angelica once more.


'But only his Mother'

"What do you want?" Thomas asks.

"What do I want?" Campbell scoffs.

"I don't understand." Thomas denies, a sigh falling from his lips. "We've already agreed to do your fucking killing for you." He spits at Campbell. "Now what is it you want from us?" Thomas asks.


'In her maiden bliss'

"Miss O'Brien, I would say I am shocked to see you but this is Mr Shelby's office so I cannot say I am." Campbell states. Angelica rolls her eyes as he wanders to the desk trying and failing to open a drawer.

"Whatever you are trying to insinuate Campbell just come out and fucking say it." Angelica hisses as Campbell watches her, her eyes never leaving the book she was reading.

"I think, no I know, you are Mr Shelby's whore." Campbell states. Angelica pauses, for a moment she tries not to laugh but she snorts and it sets her off, her giggles echo as the book falls from her lap and onto the floor.


'Worshipped the beloved'

"How's the wound?" She asks him, her voice sickly sweet and calm, Thomas looks over at him eyebrows furrowed, and Sabini sneers at her.

"Nothing I can't handle, you fucking cheating whore." Sabini spits and Angelica rolls her eyes, his insult not even technically making sense, she never cheated.

"How's the sister?" Angelica asks with a smirk and Sabini tenses. He hisses at her slightly and Angelica rolls her eyes once more.


'With a kiss'

"Ladies and gentlemen, I'd like to raise a toast." Arthur begins and everyone quietens.

"To the Small Heath Rifles." John cheers loudly and many clap and cheer.

"Small Heath Rifles." Arthur roasts raising his glass which spills some of his pint causing a group of chuckles and Angelica laughs.

'In the bleak midwinter'


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