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Episode One - Part Four

Chapter Nineteen - "Proceed boys."



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THE FOUR STROLLED UP to the club that the one and only Charles Sabini owned. Angelica kept her head down and was behind the three men as the bouncers stopped them approaching. Thomas, Arthur and John made eye contact ready to bribe the men.

Angelica had grown up in London, until she was 12, when Grace's family took her in. Then she went and lived back in Ireland, then once she and Grace turned 19, the two moved to London, having spent a year at home earning money.

Angelica knew a lot of people, a lot of people knew her, the only thing was, she had more enemies than she did friends and that wasn't always a good thing. However, on a night like tonight, that was the only good thing.

"Gentlemen." Angelica's voice of silk echoed the porch as she moved in between Arthur and Thomas.

"Holy shit, it's Angelica O'Brien." One of them murmured. Angelica smirked as they all gulped clearly afraid of the woman. She lent forward to one of the guards. "You tell him, tell him I'm back." She whispered in the man's ear. He paled and nodded opening the door letting them through.

"Much obliged." Arthur says to the men as they walk past.

"Angel, what was that?" Thomas asks Angelica as he wraps his arm around Angelica's waist, his eyes possessively glaring at any man that dared to look at her.

"Like I said Thomas. I'm making a comeback." Angelica smirks. They walked down the corridor where couples sat making out violently.

"It's a fucking freak show." Arthur states cheerfully.

Whispers began to swirl around them as people recognised the beauty on Thomas Shelby's arm. Shocked eyes burnt holes through Angelica's being, their stares making the hairs on the back of her neck stand to attention.

They walked into the main dance floor, where women and men alike danced crazily, the bar staff all grinned as they slid glasses over to paying customers, the alcohol obviously helping them relax, the band played the jazz music wildly, the saxophone glaring through the music, the melody making Angelica's head sway.

"What the fuck is that racket?" Arthur yells loudly as to be heard.

"This is what they call music these days, brother." Thomas says, as his eyes scan the room for a table.

"Music?" Arthur asks confused. Thomas walks up to a couple sat on a table for four sucking each other's faces as if it was the last time they would do so.

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