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Episode Three - I

Chapter Five - "Ooh, haunting."



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ANGELICA CHUCKLED AT the drunk man who blew her a kiss as she placed his new drink on his table, a roll of her eyes happened but the man knew it was in amusement at him and was not meant to be insulting.

Angelica moved through the pub easily which, even after yesterday's sudden shock of Billy Kimber's arrival, was now back to its usual booming lunch rush. Angelica's slim fingers picked at empty glasses, placing them on her tray.

She smiled at several regulars as they placed their glasses on her tray as she moved to the back room to put them in the sink, taking the clean ones Grace had just finished cleaning. While the pub had now calmed from the lunch rush, there were still a fair few tables in.

It gave Angelica time to re-arrange stock while Grace and Harry served and the Grace time to wash several crates of glasses while Angelica and Harry served. As Angelica set glasses out, Grace waited by the bar to serve when the snug's private window opened.

"Give me a bottle of whisky and three glasses." Thomas demands from Grace. "And get me Angelica." He adds as said woman walks to the private window. Angelica tuts as she begins getting out her tray and the glasses.

"Don't talk to her like that Thomas." Angelica warns the man who scoffs and blows a cloud of smoke onto her cheek from his cigarette, a smirk on his pink lips.

Angelica really tried to ignore the way her heart jumped at his actions, but she instead busied herself with separating the glasses and grabbing a fourth one filled with ice for the whisky glasses.

"Angelica. I need a bottle of whiskey." Thomas orders the woman in retaliation and Angelica sighs, disliking his tone massively and she turns to face him hands on her hips.

"Would a please kill you as well?" Angelica asks as she glares at the man. "Scotch or Irish?" Angelica asks, as the man blows smoke onto her cheek once more. Angelica now couldn't control her racing heart.

Grace serves another gentleman, a small smile on her lips at him at his usual kindness which always made her feel welcomed. Angelica was almost sure Thomas could hear how fast her heart was beating with his actions.

"Irish." Thomas says. Angelica sends him a look as she halts her hands, not moving to reach the bottle as she sent him a displeased look. "Please." Thomas adds, Angelica smirks at him.

A small feeling of pride swims through Angelica's body at the fact she was able to get the infamous Thomas Shelby to say please with just a simple few actions, she was sure not many could get to say that.

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