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Episode Three - III

Chapter Seven - "His word means pig shit."



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GRACE HAD LEFT that morning, and she looked so stunning. The red dress reminding Angelica of a woman she once knew and the memories she wouldn't allow herself to feel again, she then decided that she would follow the rest of the Blinders who had been on their toes all morning and Angelica knew what that meant, they were planning something.

She had been tailing Arthur all morning, her head dizzy with information. Arthur has gathered a group of men. Peaky Blinders and close friends to go and attack the Lees who were planning to steal from today's races.

Angelica wondered if Arthur really was as oblivious as she thought or if she really was just that good at tailing people that she hadn't been caught. She was a few hours away from her shift so she still had time to get what she could.

"Attention!" Arthur called and everyone quietened looking at the man. "Right. This is what's known as your final briefing before going over the top. Sixty miles down that road is Cheltenham race track. Johnny, what's our mission, boy?" Arthur asks.

"To stick it to the Lee family, Arthur!" Johnny yells and everyone cheers loudly, Angelica's lips quirk up in a small smile, the Shelby's and their friends were most certainly amusing.

"That's right. The Lees are skimming money off legal bookies, running chalk, selling rafflers. And beating them up the ones that won't buy. But, today. We're gonna stop them." Arthur states and others clap and cheer.

Angelica raises a brow at the small body of Finn there, she really hoped that they were not taking the young boy and if they were that he would be far away from any violence the rowdy group were sure to commit.

"What about Kimber's men? Thought he had his own protection." A man asks.

"Kimber's let his troops go rotten. They're on the take from the Lees to look the other way." Arthur explains.

Angelica chuckles at the shaking heads of the blinders gang, who clearly were against betrayal and completely for staying loyal to those who employed you. A few let out gross chuckles, clearly excited for what was about to happen.

"We're gonna show Kimber how it should be done. Now take what you're good at. Those of you with guns, keep them out of it unless a gun is pulled on you. We want this done quietly." Arthur says.

"So when do we share out the cash?" A man asks.

"We don't. We're not keeping the cash. You're in Tommy's army now, boys. Trust only kin. Let's go." Arthur tells them and they all yell and cheer before taking off.

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