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Episode Two - Part One

Chapter Twenty - "It's your wife."



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"READY FOR A VISITOR, Mr Shelby?" The nurse asks Thomas Shelby as he sits unable to move in his hospital bed.

"No." He says.

His voice was hoarse and beaten. Just like him. Sabini had gotten his men, to reach Thomas in the black of night, his face battered, bones broken. He looked like hell. One eye was black, blood in his other, cuts littered his face. His chest was bruised, with awful shades of purple and yellow covering it, he had several broken ribs.

The man also had a broken wrist, due to being left beaten and bruised through the night, he almost had pneumonia and a sprained ankle. A knife wound in his left thigh and a gap in his mouth where they had pulled out one of his teeth and slits in his cheeks and gums from where Sabini had carved his name out of Thomas's mouth. He looked a mess.

But Angelica knew, when she had been informed of the happening, Sabini had not done that to get to Thomas, he had done that as a warning to her, and while she would never admit it, she knew it was a damn good warning.

"It's your wife." The nurse smiles as Angelica rolls her eyes, as soon as she got to the hospital Polly had handed her to the nurse not saying a thing, but looking over Angelica worriedly at the cut on her temple.

"I'm not his wife. I'm not actually his girlfriend. I'm not even his!" Angelica states as she walks past the nurse who smiles knowingly as she leaves. Angelica sits on the chair next to Thomas who sends her an incredibly weak smirk.

"Even when I'm close to death, you won't be my girl." Thomas says. Angelica rolls her eyes at him but sighs in relief. She combs her hand through his hair and takes hold of his other one gently as to not move it too much in it's sling.

"I was so worried. Oh lord Tommy." Angelica whispers. He watches her, his eyes sparkle as she uses his nickname which she only did so on special occasions, she claimed Thomas suited him better.

"I'm okay Angel. I swear." Thomas tries. She scoffs.

"Don't." She warns him. "Look at you Thomas, you are basically immobilised." Angelica states angrily. "God, if only I hadn't missed his heart." Angelica barks lowly.

There was an anger deep in her eyes at a memory she had never shared with Thomas, the smell of gunshot powder, the echo of screams bouncing through her mind. Thomas looks at her, yet she shakes her head.

"I'm not explaining now. We need to focus on you getting better." Angelica sighs. She wipes his hair from his forehead and presses a light kiss to it. She rests her head on his shoulder and buries her head into his cheek and Thomas lets his head fall against hers.

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