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Episode Four - IV

Chapter Eleven - "Let's just start with Birmingham domination, eh?"



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ANGELICA'S HEAD SHOOK once more as she let out a laugh at Polly's insentient pleading, the Shelby woman had spent the past hour sat by Angelica who had been serving at the Garrison, begging her to attend John's wedding.

Polly had stated she was more family to some of her boys than most men they grew up with and Polly had told her it felt right to have her at the ceremony, Angelica however felt it was incredibly intrusive and she felt she didn't have that right.

There was also a slight worry in Angelica that she was getting too close to the Shelby family and that it was going to cloud her ability to complete Grace's mission, Angelica knew once the guns were located she and Grace would be pulled from the Garrison.

Angelica would have to leave Birmingham wordlessly, leaving behind the small life she had created and wormed her heart around, she would leave John's kids alone, Arthur to run a pub when he had no clue how, and she would leave Thomas, with no words.

That was what stayed most present in Angelica's mind, is how simply she would leave, there would be no goodbyes for if there were she would most certainly be shot. So, she would never have closure as she disappeared into the night.

"Polly, I cannot possibly come to the ceremony!" Angelica sighs again at Polly, trying to shake the thoughts from her head.

Angelica was grateful that Grace had gone to give the letter to Ada, because she would not let Angelica go, Angelica had stayed in the pub as Arthur helped, still not used to working in a pub and Grace wanted to see Ada again and prove herself useful in different aspects of fieldwork.

"Please." Polly says. "John and Arthur see you as a sister, Ada is fond of you, as am I, and Thomas... Well." Polly rants, trailing off as she got to her fierce nephew's name, however Angelica only shakes her head once more.

"You are kind, but I cannot intrude." Angelica denies.

"You can miss the ceremony but come for the after party how is that?" Polly asks, her new idea gave Angelica an understanding that the older woman would not give up until she said yes, so with a small sigh, Angelica smiles at Polly.

"Fine, I shan't attend the ceremony, but I will come to the party." Angelica nods as she gives in, Polly chuckles in victory, downing the contents of her glass.

"What colour?" Polly asks and Angelica raises an eyebrow at the odd question, pausing in confusion. "What colour is the dress you've clearly got in mind?" Polly asks

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