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Episode Four -I

Chapter Nine - "Congratulations."



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POLLY SMILED AT Angelica as they talked at the bar, Polly had been talking to the woman as she worked for nearly three hours. She had strutted in as they opened, harsh eyes trained on Angelica, harsh eyes that knew something. Harsh eyes that Angelica matched and then brushed off as they started their conversation. Polly was impressed.

They had started conversing when Polly ordered a gin, she then told Harry that Angelica would follow her into the snug and would be out in a few hours, too afraid of the woman to argue Harry nodded and let Angelica go, glass of wine in hand.

"So what do you think of my nephews?" Polly had asked.

"Arthur is the funniest man I have ever met, and John is too pure for his own good, I will protect Finn with my life and Ada, well Ada reminds me of me." Angelica had told her, purposely missing the man she knew Polly was there to talk about.

"And Thomas?" Polly had coaxed.

A small smile had slid onto Angelica's face as she took a sip from her wine glass, she had sighed as she hummed, sliding out a cigarette packet, Angelica offered one to Polly who took it between her thin fingers.

Angelica lit Polly's first, her cupped hand leaning across the table to press against the cigarette before she lit her own. Angelica took in a long drag, taking her time to think about her answer as Polly watched her.

"Thomas is, impulsive, arrogant and damn right foolish at times." Angelica began , Polly chuckles at that. "He lacks empathy and intelligence." Angelica added and Polly had laughed loudly at that.

Angelica had chuckled with her as she took another drag of the cigarette, watching intently as the cloud of smoke that she pushed out into the air between her crimson lips disappeared, mingling with the air around them.

"Thomas is also cunning, clever and ambitious." Angelica said, her eyes had met Polly's. "He is the bravest man I have yet to have meet." She continued. "Though it doesn't stop him being as thick as pig shit." Angelica had sniped, Polly had chuckled nodding her head at that.

"You are perfect for him." She had told Angelica.

"That is what I keep being told." She nodded.

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