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Episode Three - Part Three

Chapter Twenty-Six - "One more person laughs at Polly's expense I am going to blow my top off and then their head off."


❆❆❆AFTER THOMAS AND ANGELICA had gotten up, they heard news of The Digbeth Kid's death and immediately called a company meeting

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AFTER THOMAS AND ANGELICA had gotten up, they heard news of The Digbeth Kid's death and immediately called a company meeting. Polly had finally made it to the meeting they were holding, Arthur was sat on the table in front of Thomas and Angelica, who were standing with confidence and a surprising calm considering what they had all just learned.

"This had better be good to interrupt my holiday." Polly barks at the group as she strolls in, Angelica smirks at that.

"Where's the boy?" Thomas asks, talking about Michael.

"In the back room. I only brought him because afterwards we're going to the museum." Polly states as John shuts the door after her. A look of happiness passes over Angelica's eyes as she hears about the place her and Grace would frequently go to make updates many years ago.

While it was a place where she did things she regretted, she and Grace would usually spend the next few hours in the museum after Campbell had left, scanning the artefacts and voicing what they thought it would be like back then.

"He wanted to come in and say hello." John states, Angelica raises an eyebrow as Polly's eye harden over, clearly against the idea of him being involved in anything to do with the business.

"Shut up, John. There is nothing of interest to Michael in this room." Polly barks, John rests against a post holding his hands up in surrender. "Tommy, get on with it." Polly adds to Thomas, who lets out a sigh at her harsh tone.

"Last night, one of our men had his throat cut in Winson Green. This morning, I had a telegram saying it was Sabini who ordered it." Thomas explains, Angelica lets out a shaky breath at this, the poor boy was young and had a life ahead of him, because of Sabini he was now dead.

There was a deep fire in Angelica as she thought about the man, a fire that would only be calmed once Sabini was dead. And only once he was dead by her hand. He had taken too much from her, been the cause behind to much loss to be able to keep living.

"And it says here that Thomas Shelby's next and Angelica has a price on her to be brought in alive." Arthur says as he waves the telegram around angrily before ripping it up letting the pieces of it fall to the floor.

Polly looked over to Angelica, eyes wide with worry but the woman was worryingly calm as she looked on relaxed. Angelica knew if she were to look at Polly that the woman would see the worry in her eyes and she would break down.

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