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Episode Three - Part One

Chapter Twenty-Four - "Do you know cyanide has no smell Arthur?"



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ANGELICA SERVED A FEW more boys their drinks as she bustled around the busy Garrison, the pub was roaring with life, and had been ever since its re-opening. The reason for today's rush however, was due to the Shelbys which sat in the Snug.

The Peaky Blinders were interviewing men to join them, and Angelica had been run ragged off her feet serving them drinks to keep them orderly before their interviews. As the next barman took over, wrapping his apron on and nodding at Angelica to go, the woman sighed in relief.

Her feet hurt, the sides of them ached and there was a tight feeling in the sole of her left foot, which she thought was due to the fact she had pulled a muscle early that morning. Her shoulders felt tight and tense and her neck clicked every time she tilted it to the side.

Angelica slides her apron off, throwing it haphazardly under the bar with a worrying amount of relief. She then quickly grabbed four glasses and placed them on an empty tray, so she could come with drinks when she could join the Shelbys in the private room.

"Next." Finn calls out to the long line of waiting boys. Angelica now carrying a tray full of drinks in one hand, rolls her eyes as she pushes past them. She walks past Finn ripping the cigarette out his mouth and she places it in hers as she glares at the boy.

"No boy should be smoking that. You wait until you are legal." Angelica warns. Finn rolls his eyes but nods at the woman he was more than afraid of. "Send the next one in two minutes please." Angelica winks. She then opens the door with her elbow and walks in serving the drinks.

Both John and Arthur cheer childishly as she places their drinks in front of them, Angelica rolls her eyes at them both, chuckling as she places hers and Thomas's down on the table, before sliding the tray under the snug window.

"El, have I ever told you how much I love you eh?" John asks as he sips his drink happily. Angelica snorts as she sits next to Thomas who's arm finds her shoulders as he wraps her closer, Arthur and John sharing a look at the action.

"Yeah El, if John and I are ever mean to you again." Arthur starts.

"I'll know you boys are back to normal." Angelica tells them both.

The group share a laugh, John whacking his thighs in humour at Angelica's quick tongue, the woman shakes her head in amusement as she watches the boys laugh, before she takes a drag of the cigarette in her mouth.

"Oh, and which one of you gave Finn this?" Angelica asks, a motherly tone seeping into her voice. "He isn't fully grown. I don't want him smoking until it is legal. There is a fucking age limit for a reason!" Angelica rants. "Am I understood?" She asks the men who all nod guiltily.

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