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Episode Two - Part Four

Chapter Twenty-Three - "Let's give Thomas a run for his money on who can look the best."



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Dearest Grace,

Congratulations are in order I believe and I am so proud that you finally are beginning to grow a life. Your letter only arrived today, but I think that is due to the strikes happening in the factories, all over Britain, France and Europe also.

This means there is a high chance that by the time this letter reaches you, you may have given birth.

If that is the case, I do hope you are both okay, and that the birth was as smoothly as possible, I do worry about you. I am sure the baby will be as angelic as their mother. I also hoped you have picked a good name for them, but with your intelligence and creative ability I have no doubt it is a beautiful name.

As for your proposal, I would be honoured to accept the God-Mothering of your child, I am so honoured you would even think of me in this and so grateful to get to be an aunt. And you are right, Auntie Angelica does sound great, it brought a wide smile to my lips I will admit.

I cannot express the pride I feel for you Grace, you have found a life I have always wanted for you and I am certain it is far more interesting than you play it down to be.

But I do miss you, I miss you far more than I should.

As to your concerns for Thomas and I , your letter did make me laugh. I know I am taking my time with the admittance to him, but I was far more worried about the admittance to myself. He was recently the victim of a rather brutal attack, the attack caused by no other than Sabini.

Remember the bastard?

I have no doubt you remember him.

The fault was mine truly, we went to London and caused quite the bit of chaos in the bar where Gabriel works, Gabriel and Maria are doing well by the way, they send their love.

Anyway, I digress, we caused the trouble and Sabini learnt of my return. Because of that Thomas paid the price for walking in with me on his arm. He was beaten horrifically within an inch of his life, and five days after he had made me take him to London for a meeting with Alfie.

Two days after his attack I had to help him self-discharge, sneak him from the hospital to Charlie Strong's yard, and then Curly and I took him in a boat to London, I spent three painful days tending to his wounds, worried out of my mind.

I went and saw Daniella before Thomas's attack, I went to talk to her and while I was doing so, I realised something that I think you could see when you left Small Heath.

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