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Episode Four - Part Two

Chapter Twenty-Nine - "You came here to get my girl, right?"



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ANGELICA WATCHES ESME FOR a moment as the woman thinks, Angelica can tell she doesn't know if she should let her in, especially with the loud group of men behind the woman. Esme finally sighs and walks toward the door.

"Come in." Esme sighs as she quickly unlocks the door and drags the woman in. May lets her head turn as she takes it all in and Esme quickly shuts the door and locks it again, Esme huffs at the door, ignoring the men yelling at her as she turns back to May.

"May Carleton." May states as she offers her hand but Esme disregards it as she rushes around with betting slips.

"Mr Shelby has his proper meetings in his other office." Esme states. "Angelica is almost always there anyway, well when she isn't working which is actually not that often." Esme muses and a smile quirks against Angelica's lips.

"This was the address that they gave me." May defends as she looks around interested in all she was seeing, Esme pauses eyebrows furrowing confused.

"They gave you this address?" Esme asks, and May nods.

"They said it was a gambling den." May explains. "I told them that I'd wanted to see one since I'm always reading about them in the papers. Quite the big scandal in The Telegraph lately." May states and Angelica smirks.

Of course she is a Telegraph reader.

Angelica thinks.

"Anyway, they said that I could come and have a look. And now I feel like a bit of an idiot because I'm early and they're late and I have no idea how to behave." May rants, her accent was already obvious enough of her upbringing and her expensive clothes looked ravishing on her yet very out of place.

"Oh, I think you're acting well in here. Besides I'm barely late." Angelica smirks as she walks to May and she hugs the woman sending a smile to Esme in reassurance.

"I was about to go and wait in the car." May states as she lets her eyes scan Angelica, the green dress the woman was in was soft yet incredibly working class, still Angelica looked rather stunning.

"If I had opened the door again, they'll all have wanted to come in. Like flies." Esme states as Angelica helps her set up the tables. "So what are you?" Esme asks suspiciously making Angelica chuckle.

"What am I?" May asks confused.

"To El and Thomas?" Esme adds hoping it would clear her question up. Esme watched May as the woman followed Angelica with her eyes as the woman set things out onto the tables.

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