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Episode Four - III

Chapter Ten - "I like the way it burns."



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ARTHUR HAD BEEN in charge of the pub officially for a month now, he actually was a surprisingly good boss, Angelica enjoyed working for him, however he struggled with the books and stock take, which is where Grace and Angelica came in.

Harry still worked at the pub, but Angelica knew losing his pub had put him in a funk, she tried to help him, but she couldn't really, she didn't know how he felt, she couldn't sympathise with him, everything he had spent his life working for was taking away from him in a minute talk.

Angelica sighed as she watched Arthur furrow his brows as he looked over the books again, his confusion evident as Grace moved into the pub's office with a small box of cigarettes in her thin hand.

"These cigarettes have a strange smell, Arthur. They smell like rotting water. And look, rats have got into some of them." Grace says as she shows Arthur the cigarettes, the box did smell like it was rotting and there was holes in some of them.

Arthur sighed, pausing as he looked up at the girls who were facing him, he sighs and places his pencil down. Angelica chuckled as the stress man ran a hand over his face, he clearly was unaware of how much running a pub would take.

"They're stolen, are they not?" Angelica asks him, Arthur chuckles as he sends her a look.

"Don't ask El." Arthur tells her and she holds her hand up in surrender with a smile at her friend.

"They smell because you keep them in the boat." Grace deduces, her eyes soft as she tried to pry for information.

"What do you care?" Arthur asks Grace who pauses. "Now El, can you come check my adding up, please?" Arthur asks the girl. Angelica moves taking the pencil as she hands Grace the other book and the two check his adding up in both books, correcting what was wrong.

Angelica paused as she realised how much Arthur had got wrong, she wondered how Arthur helped run a betting shop when he struggled with such basic maths, but then she supposed that is why Thomas led the Blinders and the betting shop.

"You know, you should make a new start of this place. Do it properly Arthur. These cigarettes are not fit to sell." Angelica says as she corrects his mistakes, there is a pause as Arthur takes the cigarettes from Grace, only the sound of pencil gliding against the rough paper.

"Smells like Gallipoli." Arthur says as takes a strong sniff of the cigarettes, almost snorting in the smell that they left.

"You should find a new place to store them." Grace warns Arthur, looking up from the book which was in-between her hands.

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