Chapter 37: Before the sunrise

Start from the beginning

"Tonight we drink straight from the bottle" and with those words she tips toes again to peck my lips. I smile and go to the cashier to pay.
We leave the bodega and this time our feet takes us to a beach. A lovely beach with dark blue waves, blond sand and a moon so bright it lights up the entire beach. Astrid takes off her heels and steps onto the still warm sand.
We walk closer to the waves and sit down.

"I went here after my interview with UCLA" Astrid says and opens the bottle for us. I take a sip and listen to her story.

"I was so happy and yet I've never been more scared" she explains while I eat my chicken wrap which tastes a lot better than it looks.

"But then I went here and the scary feeling of leaving behind everything I know left me. And since that day it has just been LA and I" I take my free hand and wrap my arm around her to pull her close. I've never taken a single risk in my life. I went to high school and college for a short time until my father thought I was ready to join the company. My entire life was planned out for me. I know I am going to inherit my father's business when he retires and then run it until I retire. Hearing about Astrid's fight to a good education made me realize how privileged I've been.

"Astrid I have to tell you something" I say. Her big blue eyes looks away from the moon and up to me. I know I'm supposed to tell her. But I've never had to fight for anything in life and Astrid has been fighting since the day she was born. If I was in her shoes I would never be able to accept a lying capitalistic man like me.

"You're the bravest person I've ever met" I say and she smiles. I know I chickened out but I don't want anything to ruin tonight.
She responds with a kiss so sweet and tender I think I just fell in love with her all over again.

"What made your family move to New York?" She asks after taking a sip of wine. I take a deep breath and move my body a bit.

"Well my father wanted to move his company to New York, but the real reason why we left is because my mother died" I explain. I've never told anyone about my mother because every time I talk about her I feel a sting of pain in my chest.

"I'm so sorry" Astrid's voice is comforting and soft. I smile and kiss her cheek.

"My father needed to get away and he hasn't returned since" I say. I place each of my legs on each side of Astrid and pulls her closer. So her warm back is on my chest.

We sit there talking for a while with Astrid in between my legs and her head on my chest. As we laugh and talk the wine slowly disappears.

"Want to hear a secret?" Astrid asks with a smirk.

"Yes please" I say and lower my head so I better can hear her.

"I used to do cheer" she says and laugh.

"What you?" I say and laugh with her. She nods and leans back onto my chest. Astrid is a lot of things but she never appeared to be into cheerleading.

"I did everything that could look good on my resume and cheerleading was one of those things" she explains and I flush down her story with another sip of wine.

"You never cease to amaze me" I kiss the top of her head with a smile.

"What time is it?" She asks and I show her my watch. She sighs right after.

"I have to go soon I have school tomorrow" my smile fades as I don't want this night to end. But I promised Astrid our relationship wouldn't get in the way of her school.

"I'll walk you home" I say and help her up from the sand. We throw out the wrappers and empty wine bottle on our way away from the most amazing beach in all of America.

"Thank you" she says "for an amazing date".

"The pleasure is all mine milady" I say and take her hand in mine. After a short walk we arrive at Astrid's apartment. I wish this night could last forever but at last all good things must come to an end.

"This has been the most amazing night" I say making her blush. I duck down to kiss her and she wraps her arms around my neck. As our lips touch I feel an explosion of fireworks. Her soft lips taste ever so slightly of wine. Our lips parts again but we don't.

"Do you want to come inside?"

Don't worry the night is still young.
Which means Their date continues as does love. Because love is a funny thing it can make us go crazy and sane, make us fly and stay grounded, make us nervous and comfortable. There's no rules when it comes to love.

I'd love to make a spoiler for next chapter but there's not much talking so this will do:

"You're so gorgeous"

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