Page twentyfour

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It was almost frightening how the night looked.

It was dark, only a peak of moonlight making it's way down to the ground.

Dark clouds shielded the sky, creating patterns of shadows on the ground.

An animal gave a loud yowl, far away in the woods.

And Ahsoka was perfectly fine with it. She added a little bit of wood and moss to the near to dead fire, before undoing her bandages.

She wanted to take a bath before the others would wake up.

It had some disadvantages to be the only girl in the group.

But then again, her master was an absolut sleepyhead, Rex knew about her habit to take a bath in the morning and would wait for her to wake him.

Well and Obi-Wan hat his little Problems with dark scary nights, even if he never admitted it.

So it was unlikely that she would be disturbed this early.

She laid her bandage in water in the little stone bowl over the fire, hoping the heat would kill some of the bacteria, then made her way to the river.

As soon as she'd freed herself of her clothes, she carefully stepped into the river.

It was a nice change to feel the cold water on her hot wound.

Though it sent a shot of pain up her spine, making her clench her teeth in pain.

She stepped further in, while slowly her wound started to get used to the water.

She closed her eyes, before stepping off the stone she stood on, so that her stomach touched the icy cold water.

As soon as the first schock of the cold disappeared, she started to rub the dirt off of her limps.

It felt great.

She didn't need long for this, since she was doing it every day.

When she was ready, she went for a short swim through the river.

At least in the water she could move freely.

By now the coldness of the water had numbed the pain in her leg, so that swimming didn't hurt.

Even her ankle was silent, since there was no pressure putten upon it.

She enjoyedher freedom for a moment, that climbed out of the water.

She limped for a place nearer to the fire, but still close to the river and washed her clothes.

When she was ready, she herself was already dry again, thanks to the warmth of the fire. She limped over, laying her clothes ofer the brenches to dry, then dressed again.

By now the darkness of the night had vanished and the light of the rising sun started to peak over the horizon.

Ahsoka smiled.

She had survived another night of horrific pain in her leg.

The day would be easier.

It always was.

Unlike the night, in the day she wasn't thrashing around thanks to memorys of the battles she fought.

She looked at the sun, asking herself how often she would see it rising, until the infection pulled her away from life.

The next one. She promised herself.

I'll still be here to see the next one.

She didn't knew how long she could do it.

But she was sure, that she could do it until tomorrow at least.

To see this ball of fire peaking over the horizon another time.

Maybe even the morning after that, but she wasn't thinking so far.

Tomorrow was doable.

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