Page eightyone

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With the dry wood that Obi-Wan brought they made a fire. Rex had brought a handful plants he had found that they could eat.

He mentioned to have spotted little animal, but wasn't quick enough to catch it.

After the winter not only Anakin was barely skin and bones.

They cooked the eggs close to the fire, and split the meagre plants between them, their stomachs yearned for more with hollow growls.

"What... now?" Rex asked hesitantly after a while. Non of them had counted, but they had been on that planet for month now. Month.

Even if the republic hadn't considered them dead when they went missing. Even if they did search, by now they surely would have given up.

Nobody was coming for them. They were on their own.

"I would propose to wander around to find a settlement... but we are certainly not in the state and there doesn't seem to be one close from what we witnessed so far" Obi-Wan stated, holding his hands close to the fire

"If there even is one... I didn't saw any from Orbit when we crashed." Anakin added "so if there are some, they are either tiny, or on the other half of the planet"

"In either way unlikely to stumble across" Rex agrees, rubbing his neck "so what is the plan?"

Ahsoka looked up too now, she had been playing with a stone previously "Survive"

"Obvious one" shot Anakin back, which caused his Padawan to roll her eyes "Says the one that tried to kick a tree" she bickered back.

"Says the one who almost died" fired out of Anakins mouth before he could regret it. It pushed a little pinch in his heart right after he said it.

"Well, I believe we all can agree it is harder than it may sound" Obi-Wan intervened, before it could get heated.

"We are exhausted, we have no resources and no shelter, if we want to survive, we need to change that... and fast"

All agreed without hesitation "Ahsoka can't walk, and the rest of us doesn't have much strength left either. We have to be very strategic with what we use it for" the Jedi Master added further.

"I could try to fish again" Ahsoka threw in "I don't quite have my spear anymore, but perhaps I can catch some with the force"

Great agreement. Their stomachs still grumbled. They should have had that idea earlier.

"We certainly should see that one person tends firewood" Rex mentioned, who had moved even closer to the source of warmth now.

All eyes moved to Obi-Wan. He'd ended up collecting most of the firewood the previous time, and now gave a nod once more "I will take care of that then"

Ahsoka looked at the snow "We will have to find a way to build beds... shelter is not going to be enough if the ground drains us of warmth during the night"

"Elevated sleeping? Getting luxurious now, aren't you snips"

Obi-Wan sighed "She's got a point Anakin. The ground is ice cold. For now we should take turns to keep the fire running during the night. Tomorrow you and Rex will see to find a way to build a shelter."

Anakin gave an unwilling noise, he really didn't feel like dragging wood, after his entire body already ached from a walk.. but he couldn't deny the sense of the plan completely "Ahsoka better catches some big fishes then" he bickered.

"Oh sure SkyGuy, and you build us a nice house" she shot right back in his face.

"Hey, some big fishes is reasonable"

"Do you have any idea how incredibly lucky our catches in autumn were?"

Rex just facepalmed. It seems even the prospect of being stuck here forever couldn't change the two of them one bit.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 09 ⏰

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