Page sixtyfive

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When it gig to dark to search for plants Rex crawled down and changed place with Obi-Wan.

It still was weird for him to call him by his first name.

Now he held his Commander in his arms. That as well was weird for him.

It wasn't like he'd never carried her before. She got in trouble so easily, he had probably carried her off of battle fields way to often.

He still remembered carrying her ten clicks, after a supposedly easy mission on Velmore, where she had taken a bad fall and got a head wound, causing her to trip over every step she took, because it destroyed her sense for balance.

But normally he would give her to a medic as fast as he could.

Here he couldn't give her to a medic.

Here he didn't hold her to bring her somewhere else, no he actually just sat there and held her.

She still was pale.

But her skin had already been pale for so long, that he got used to it. He would like to turn it back to the vibrant orange he knew, but at this point it wasn't the biggest of his worries.

Her breath was shallow. It hadn't slowed down for ang means, but it just seemed so... he couldn't say.

The biggest worry he, Obi-Wan and Anakin as well for that matter, had was her weight. She had been unconscious for so long... all they could feed her in her state were mashed berrys. And only the two force sensitives could, as if Rex would try to feed her the berrys, she'd probably just breath them in. She was unconscious after all.

Luckily Obi-Wan and Anakin were Jedi and could use the force to make sure, that the food ended up in her stomach and not her lungs.

Yet, berrys weren't enough. Ahsoka could eat them, even though being carnivorous, luckily, but she couldn't live on only berrys. She probably wouldn't even be able to live only on berries if she wasn't a carnivore.

Rex remembered, that she had tried to explain it to him once, why she could eat plants, even though being a  carnivore. But he didn't understand much. It was something about they could, their bodies just couldn't utilise plant as well as meat or something. And added with something about eating omnivores food her entire live and her body getting used to it... He really was not good with biology.

The short version was, she could eat berries, but it wasn't enough.

And now she looked dead alive, like a skeleton, the only indication of her being alive being her shallow breath.

It made Rex feeling sick seeing her like that.

Yet, he would never just leave her. So he cradled her in his arms, leaning her head against his shoulder, so that her sensitive Lekku won't touch the cold wall.

A small shudder went through her body, as a sharp cold wind washed over them.

Obi-Wan had opened the door to come in and put some wood down.

A sad look towards the ill Padawan and he was gone again.

Though, for him life wasn't easy either, as it was about to show soon.

With every walk he went further from the hole, trying to find brig branches, that the storm broke off.

The problem was, that the storm hasn't died down just yet, just weakened a bit.

And the heavy winds made it hard for him to walk.

A tree fell down under the storms strength, and wouldn't it have been for the force, Obi-Wan wouldn't have been able to jump out the way in time.

Though the jump didn't save him all completely.

He had gotten so far from the hole, that it weren't the surroundings in which he got to know in the earlier time on this planet.

If he would have known this area, he probably wouldn't have been surprised that suddenly the ground beneath hin gave way.

Further down, there were Obi-Wan went, the river made a curve he didn't know about.

And where the river went, it had dug deep into the earth, creating a little slope, that Obi-Wan now slid down.

Surprised by that, as he thought the danger he sensed came from the tree, he didn't got to grab for hold in time and fell right into the icy cold water.

Now the river certainly wasn't just a small little stream, it was quite big. And at the time that Obi-Wan had fought himself back up to the surface, he not only had been carried quite a way by the current of the river, but it's cold was already biting at his bones, making his limps feel numb.

He managed to hold himself on the surface for quite a while, but his aching body was nog able to fight the river enough to get to the edge.

And at some point his strength was gone.

It could have ended way worse, but luckily right there the river made another turn and the almost unconscious man drifted to the edge.

He was barely aware of himself grabbing for the dirt beneath him, dragging himself a little bit up the edge, until at least his upper body lay on solid ground.

The he passed out.

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