The Story of a Reaper- Brother! Help Me!!!

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Chara gulped from nervousness, but that was after Frisk came over to her and took her hand, "How about we go in the kitchen!" Frisk said. Chara nodded before the two left the room.

"So, seem you didn't know about Reaper past did you?" Killer asked. Geno sighed, "Yeah-"

"Why storm off like that?" Dust asked, "It's....personal, but it doesn't matter, he made things...okay?" Geno shrugged, holding onto his arm, "Okay huh? Alright then," Dust shrugged

Other than the three skeletons awkward conversation, Reaper was still looking for Nightmare, till he finally found him at the beginning of Hotland, looking down at the magma from below.

He was sitting at the edge of the walkway, just smiling and chuckling. "Nightmare?" Reaper called out. Nightmare looked over, "Oh heyyyyy~" Nightmare hummed. Reaper saw a glass bottle next to him.

"Are you drunk?" Reaper asked. "Uhhhh-" Nightmare looked over beside him and pushed the bottle down to where the magma was, then looked back at Reaper, "Nope!" Nightmare chuckled

Reaper scoffed with a smile, "You seem to be enjoying yourself," Reaper smiled, "I just...I don't get it, so bored and sick of thinkkkin', and decided toooo....drink aguaaaa," Nightmare smiled and giggled, swaying around a bit.

"That's not water Nightmare, and you know it," Reaper giggled. He sat next to Nightmare, "Say!... A lotta shit bbeeenn...goin' on and II...I'm just...TIRED!" Nightmare yelled before flopping down to his back, looking up at the ceiling, "I just don't wanna deal with this stuff tillllll....later-" Nightmare said

"Later?" Reaper asked, "Like! I had a baby with Cross...we wanted to do something stupid because...I don't know, why not?" Nightmare said, "But-...I just agreed because I thought it'd make him happy and stuff...I didn't want to upset him, or make him change because of me..." Nightmare said

Reaper rose a brow, "I got so angry...because I could of help you Reaps...your probably my best pal right now!" Nightmare giggled before hiccuping

"Aw shit-" Nightmare said, groaning at the fact he's starting to hiccup, "Is this what they call a...HiC- Midlife crisis?" Nightmare asked, "...What?" Reaper said, confused about what that means, "It means- emotional, self-esteem, or identity issue that happens in the middle of your life- hiC-...wait, am I in the middle of my life?... Do I have 500 more years to live?" Nightmare questioned himself

"I don't think you have a midlife crisis, I just think you just want to help your friends out more than you want to help yourself," Reaper told him, "...Right! what way did I helpp?" Nightmare asked

" did help me get a lot of anger out of my system with all those fun missions we used to go on!" Reaper replied, "Oh hell yeah- HIc, you were amazing!" Nightmare smirked, "You're probably one of the best leaders out there man!" Reaper said, "Mmmh...I don't know-"

"What do you mean 'you don't know' hell man! You're awesome at leading!" Reaper told him, "Ya' think so?" Nightmare asked, turning over to look at Reaper, "I know so!" Reaper told him

Nightmare hummed and hiccuped before sitting up, "Why keep it all away Reaper?" Nightmare asked, "I wasn't ready to tell you yet...and it seems you need a break from helping, I mean- A baby?" Reaper said

"I know, it was stupid, irresponsible-hiCC...but I know you'd do some pretty dumb stuff for the people you love...hell, you ran-hIIc away and accidentally caused a war for your special someone..." Nightmare said

"Yeah...Geno is a big deal for me..." Reaper said, "Hm...a word of advice Reaper," Nightmare said, looking over at him before hiccuping once more. Reaper turned over to a drunken Nightmare, "Don't ever stop fighting for them! Even if they don't ask for it, you keep bugging them with help," Nightmare said

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