23. The Best Opportunity

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【Time Skip.】

[It has been three months since Connie's plan was put into action and, although there have been some difficulties and inconveniences, everything has gone fairly smoothly as far as possible.]

Connie: Everybody, listen up!!

[Right now, Steven, Connie, Lars, and a group of gems from other planets are gathered at Little Homeworld, planning their next move.]

Connie: Our infiltrated Gems just sent us the following information - In a few hours, ten dropships from planet EXA7LF will depart for Homeworld.

Steven: What are we going to do about it?

Connie: We're going to intercept them in warships and board them in groups of three.

Steven: Why in groups of three?

Connie: A large group would attract a lot of attention.

Steven: Oh, I see.

Connie: Once we're on board, we'll get the memories of the crew back with the scanner. Let's hope this works, so when those dropships are ours, it'll be easier to get into Homeworld. Any questions?!

All Gems Present: None!!

Connie: Alright! Everyone knows what to do, get down to work!

[All the Gems run off to the their posts to await further orders. However, Steven, Lars and Connie stayed where they were.]

Steven: I hope this all goes well.

Connie: I have a feeling it will, so don't fret.

Lars: Steven, are you sure you can handle this?

Connie: Right. Do you feel emotionally stable?

Steven: Yes, I'm fine. Three months of therapy has done me a lot of good.

Connie: Glad to hear that, because we can't waste an opportunity like this.

Lars: Of course!

Steven: By the way, Connie, are you sure it's okay to put aside your studies?

Connie: What do you mean?

Steve: Well, uh, these last few months you've been missing quite a bit of school because of me, so I thought maybe you might get in trouble with your parents or school.

Connie: The Earth being in danger is not because of you, Steven. Come on, keep your spirits up! Our duty is to protect the Earth and the Universe at all costs, we're the only ones who can. My parents understand that, and my teachers will too... or so I hope. The point is, my studies will be of no use to me if something bad happens to our planet.

Steven: I see what you mean. Well, then, if that's settled, let's save the Earth!

Connie: Yeah! Would you like to do the honors?

[Connie holds out her hand to Steven. He responds with a "sure", grins and takes her hand.]

[Steven and Connie perform a fusion dance, fusing into Stevonnie. Then Stevonnie prepares their sword, food, water, and other things they carry in a backpack.]

Stevonnie: All set! *turns to Lars* You come with me, so we'll complete a team of three... Well, sorta

Lars: Roger.

Stevonnie: Alright, let's do this!


[Stevonnie and company take off into space in warships brought to Earth when Gems from other planets came to take refuge.]

Stevonnie: Ok, we're already on the route the dropships will be passing through, any minute now they should-- *gets interrupted*

Random Gem: *looking out the window* Here they come!!

[Stevonnie looks out the window and sees ten dropships approaching at high speed.]

Stevonnie: Action stations! Don't let any of them get away, surround them!

[The enemy dropships fly on their set route without any problem, until they are suddenly surrounded by warships. The Gem pilots can only wonder in shock and terror - "What's going on?! "Where did those warships come from?" They cannot defend themselves adequately, as the dropships don't have the armament to respond to a warship attack, so they simply surrender without putting up any resistance.]

Stevonnie: Good, we've got them! *to everyone* Get ready to board the spaceships in groups of three! The rest of the Gems stay here to await further orders!!

[Stevonnie, Lars & the other Gems board all the dropships.]

Stevonnie: Go ahead!!!

[A random rejuvenated Nephrite charges at Stevonnie, but Stevonnie dodges and holds her tightly.]

Stevonnie: I got one!

Random Nephrite: *struggling* Let me go!

Lars: Well done, Stevonnie! Hold her tight!

[Lars takes out a white octahedral object, activates it and it beams a white light at the Gem and starts scanning her.]

【After a while.】

[Thanks to the information provided by the scanner, the crew successfully remembers who they are.]

Stevonnie: Good thing the scanner worked. *takes a communicator out of their backpack* Stevonnie speaking, guys, how did it go?

[All Other Teams respond to Stevonnie - "Perfect, everything is going according to plan."]

Stevonnie: Excellent! You guys know what to do next, be careful, over and out. *to Lars* Now, let's set off for Homeworld!

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