10. It's Your Fault

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[Steven & Jasper warp into the conservatory.]

[Steven then tries to contact the Diamonds on the diamond control panel, but none of them pick up their communicator.]

Steven: Strange that none of the three pick up their communicator. Tch. Where did they go? *turns to Jasper* Do you know any good places in the universe to go on vacation?

Jasper: I don't even know what "vacation" means.

Steven: I see. Well, I'll try to get in touch with them later. *takes out his phone* I have to make another call anyway.

[Steven then types into his cell phone the number of a certain person and calls them, the person in question takes the call almost instantly.]

?????????: *through the phone* Hello, Steven, how have you been?

Steven: Bad, very bad, therapist!

Therapist: Huh? What happened?

Steven: *enraged* Because of YOU I'm in a terrible situation right now!

Therapist: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Slow down, boy! What are you talking about?

Steven: I did everything you told me about personal relaxation, and because of that my friends are in danger right now.

Therapist: Hold on a sec! What do you mean your friends are in danger because of your personal relaxation? What does one thing have to do with the other?

Steven: While I was relaxing, my friends asked me for help and since you told me to relax without worrying about anything or anyone, so I didn't help them and now everything is a disaster.

Therapist: Other than your relaxation, did you have any other inconvenience for not helping them?

Steven: Hmm, no... I didn't.

Therapist: So... you say you had the ability to help without inconvenience, right?

Steven: Well, yeah.

Therapist: Then it's your fault, not mine.

Steven: What do you mean?!

Therapist: Personal relaxation is important, nut if a friend asks for your help and you have the ability to help, you stop relaxing for a moment, help your friend, and then pick up the relaxation right where you left off.

Steven: *angered* That's not what you told me before!!

Therapist: It's something you had to figure out for yourself, it's just common sense

Steven: What?!

Therapist: I'll give you a simple example: You are hungry, you have no money to buy something to eat, you go with a friend and he lends you money, on the way you meet someone who also needs money, what would you do?

Steven: ...

Therapist: In the first session, you would have answered that you would give the money without a second thought. Yeah, it's a good deed and you feel good about yourself, but then that brings up both physical and mental consequences, because you're still hungry, you have no money, and now you owe someone else. You understand that, right?

Steven: Yes, I... understand.

Therapist: That's your biggest problem, you don't have a balance.

Steven: Huh?

Therapist: You have to be honest with people and let them know that you really can't help them, not force yourself to help when you can't, and not behave like a selfish, insensitive person who won't help even though you can.

Steven: ...

Therapist: You have to create a balance between helping others and helping yourself, you can't always put other people's needs before your own. I'm not saying that it's wrong for you to do so, on the contrary, it's very good for you to be a selfless person; however, all excess is bad. It's hard, but that's reality.

Steven: It doesn't help me to know that now, I'm in big trouble and I don't know what to do!

Therapist: Sure, it's easier to blame others. *sighs* I think I jumped the gun on discharging you, do you want to continue with the therapy sessions from today onwards, or would you prefer tomorrow?

Steven: I don't have time for that!! Right now I'm the only one who can solve this big problem!!! BYE!!! *ends the call abruptly*

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