39. Can't Bear It Anymore

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Steven: Hey, Bluebird! That's enough! Don't do anything to them!!

Bluebird: Well, the truth is, I'm still not sure what to do to them. *turns to Lapis* Yo, Lazuli.

Lapis: Yes, your highness?

Bluebird: Did you get any useful information out of these Gems?

Lapis: Not really. Well, maybe I did. You see, many of the quartz soldiers belong to that wretched Steven, most of them are Amethysts.

Bluebird: Those I sent to fight a few hours ago?

Lapis: Indeed.

Bluebird: I see. Well, it doesn't matter. We'll deal with them later, because I've already made up my mind.

[Steven can hear their conversation through the communicator.]

Steven: *through communicator* What are you going to do!?!

Bluebird: These Gems are no good to us as they are right now, so we're going to rejuvenate them!

Lapis: Wait, what!? Wouldn't it be better to kill them!?

Note: Spinel is also in this place.】

Spinel: Excuse me for butting in, ma'am, but I agree with Lazuli. It would be better to kill them right now.

Topaz 1: I think so, too.

Topaz 2: Same here.

Lapis: Don't you see, ma'am? We all agree that we must kill them.

Spinel: Mm-hmm. What are we waiting for, then?

Lapis: Yeah, let's-

Bluebird: *shouts angrily* Shut the fuck up, all of you! I AM your leader, I'm the one who gives the orders here! Your only job is to obey me without question! Remember that all of you are forbidden to think for yourself! IS! THAT! CLEAR!?

[Spinel, Lapis and the Topazes bow down to Bluebird shaking in fear.]

Spinel, Lapis, the Topazes: Of course it is! Please forgive us for our insolence, your highness!

Bluebird: Fine, fine, forget it. Let's never speak of this again, okay?

Spinel, Lapis, the Topazes: *in fear* Yes, your highness!

[Steven and company, through the communicator, are still listening to what's going on.]

Connie: *whispers to Steven* Why do they have so much respect and fear for Bluebird? I mean, the four of them are so much stronger than her, aren't they?

Steven: No idea. Maybe it's because of the brainwashing, I don't know...

Bluebird: Spinel, you've got a rejuvenator with you, don't you?

Spinel: I do.

[Spinel answers as she pulls a rejuvenator out of her gemstone.]

Bluebird: *chuckles* Perfect. Well then, rejuvenate all these Gems, Spinel, start with the snitch!

[Bluebird says disdainfully as she points her finger at a dying Peridot 9XL.]

Spinel: Right away!

[Spinel activates the rejuvenator without wasting time.]

Steven: Wait, no! Stop it! Don't do it!!

Bluebird: Too late, Steven! Do it, Spinel! Rejuvenate her!

[Spinel twirls the the rejuvenator and proceeds to slash Peridot 9XL's head off, causing her to poof instantly.]

Steven: NO!!

[The Gems captured with Lapis' water chains are terrified of what happened, so they try to run away.]

Lapis: Stay still!!

[Lapis tugs on her water chains, then squeezes those Gems tightly, pinning them in place.]

Lapis: It's your turn now!

Spinel: Ready or not, let's begin!

[Spinel twirls the rejuvenator and proceeds to mercilessly slash off the Gems' heads, rejuvenating them.]

Steven: I beg you please to stop! Don't do this!!!

[Despite Steven's pleas, Spinel keeps rejuvenating Gems mercilessly as they scream in horror and Bluebird laughs it off, and a dumbfounded Steven hears it all.]

Steven: *angered* I can't bear you doing this anymore!! STOP!!!

[Steven glares furiously. His entire body turns pink.]

Pink Steven: *groans loudly* I said STOP!!!

[Steven unleashes a devastating shockwave from his rage, knocking all of his friends back and creating a big crater.]

Pink Steven: *breathing hard* I've had enough of YOU!!

[An enraged Steven tosses the communicator against a boulder, damaging it.]

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