20. A Plan Is Needed

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Steven: By the way, what were you going to Homeword for?

Lars: I wanted to ask the Diamonds for help because of what Emerald did to us; since they are now good people, it didn't seem like a bad idea. However, once I got to Homeworld, I saw how several Gems had you cornered, so I decided to save you instead.

Steven: I see.

Lars: Dude, what happened there?! Why did those Gems have you cornered?! I'm not sure I got a good look, but I thought I saw your friends among them!

Steven: Yes, my lifelong friends were about to kill me.

Lars: Wow, that's tough, man. Why would they want to do such a thing?

Steven: It's a long story, but I can sum it up in two words - Gem Rejuvenator.

Lars: What, is that pink Gem up to no good again? Wasn't she satisfied with almost destroying the Earth with that injector?

Steven: She's got nothing to do with it. Well, she does, but not directly... Ugh. It's kinda hard to explain, I'll tell you the whole story later.

Lars: Okay, I understand. It must be hard for you. Take your time.

Steven: Yeah, I really need it to take in everything that's happened. By the way, how long will it take us to get to Earth?

Lars: I'm not quite sure, this ship is much slower than the Gem ships. I think we'll get to Earth in about four or five days, I guess.

Steven: That's a long time.

Lars: If you're in a hurry, you know you can use my hair to get to Earth in a jiffy.

Steven: No. I'd rather take those days to rest and figure out what I'm going to do to fix this situation.

Lars: I see. *points at a door* Behind that door is a corridor with several rooms, choose the one you like the most. Feel free to make yourself comfortable.

Steven: Thanks.

【Time Skip - Ten days later.】

Lars: Four or five days, my ass.

Steven: We finally made it to Earth.

[Steven and Lars land the spaceship in front of the temple. The two boys enter the beach house and there they find Greg and Connie sitting on the living room couch, visibly worried.]

Steven: Hey, Dad. Hey, Connie. What's up?

Connie and Greg: Steven!!

[Greg runs up to hug Steven.]

Greg: Thank goodness you're all right, son! You and the Gems just disappeared off the face of the Earth! I've been looking all over for you for days! I-I didn't know what else to do, I was at my wit's end! I was... scared.

Steven: I'm sorry I worried you, Dad. It won't happen again, I swear.

Greg: It's okay, son. Just don't disappear for days without letting anyone know, your old man's not up to it anymore. Oh boy, now I understand how my parents felt when I would sneak out of the house and party all weekend. Please don't be like me, son, be better.

Steven: I'll keep that in mind.

Greg: Anyway, where were you all these days!? And what happened to the Gems at Little Homeschool?!

Steven: It's a long story, dad. *turns to Connie* What are you doing here, Connie? Shouldn't you be studying?

Connie: Your father contacted me a few days ago, he asked me about your whereabouts and that of the Gems. Of course, I didn't know anything, but I got worried as the days went by and you didn't show up, so I came to see what was going on.

Greg: Did something bad happen again? You don't look so good.

Steven: Well, you see...

【A few moments later.】

Steven: And that's what happened.

Connie: You're joking, right?!

Steven: I wish.

Greg: That's sound pretty serious.

Steven: Yeah, it is pretty serious! I must save the whole universe... again! And I'm alone in this... again!

Greg: No, you're not, son. You've got the three of us.

Connie: That's right, Steven! We'll help you in any way we can!

Lars: Yeah! Count me in, dude!

Steven: *smiles gently* I really appreciate it, but... I honestly don't think only the four of us will be able to clean up this whole mess.

Greg: Maybe if we come up with a good plan we can save the universe and all the Gems.

Steven: Yeah, "maybe".

Connie: Have you thought of a plan yet, Steven?

Steven: Not yet. Actually, I was counting on you to help me with that. After all, you're smarter than I am. You're the brains in our relationship.

Connie: Heck I am. And with all due respect, let me tell you that what you and Jasper did was really stupid. You shouldn't have attacked head-on, especially if you didn't have a plan in mind. What's more, I'd go so far as to say that Emerald told you all that just to provoke you and lure you to her, and you foolishly took the bait.

Steven: Please don't remind me, I wasn't thinking clearly. That doesn't matter anymore, though! What's done is done and now our top priority is to come up with a plan to stop these mean Gems!

Connie: Okay, look. I think I've got the basic idea for a plan that might work.

Steven: Are you serious?!

Connie: Yep. This plan has a couple of problems that need to be solved quickly, though.

Steven: What are you talking about?

Connie: The first one - we need a lot of Gems.

Steven: That's a big problem. There's not a single Gem left on the face of the Earth. To make matters worse, I just lost the last one left.

Lars: But you said there are still planets that haven't been conquered.

Greg: You just have to contact them and tell them to come to Earth.

Steven: I can't do that.

Connie: Why not?

Steven: The control panel was destroyed, we can no longer contact anyone from other planets.

Connie: Steven, this is serious. What do you mean the control panel was destroyed?!

Steven: I know it is. And as for the control panel, I... destroyed it in a fit of rage a few days ago.

Connie: *facepalms* You gotta be kidding me.

Greg: Wasn't there also a control panel at Little Homeschool? Why don't you use that one?

Steven: That's true! I completely forgot about that one!

Lars: That's convenient.

Connie: Alright, then we'll call them when we're done with this.

Steven: Sure. What's the other problem with your plan, Connie?

Connie: The second one - we can make our friends remember who they really are, as we know them so well, but... what about the rest of the Gems?

Steven: You're right. If we don't know anything about them, we can't do anything to help them.

Connie: We can't just bubble them, can we?

Steven: Of course we can't! All those Gems are just being manipulated by someone else! They wouldn't deserve it.

Connie: Here's the tricky part. If we don't find a way to solve this problem, then we're doomed.

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