81- Just A Distraction

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(Steven and his friends keep pushing and shoving the diamond blast, which is slowly approaching Emerald, but she hasn't noticed yet because she's being distracted by a Gem.)

Emerald: Tell me, what brings you here?

???? ?????: *insecure and nervous about what she's about to do* Y-you don't need to know.

Emerald: Surely you've come to get revenge because I betrayed you, haven't you?

???? ?????: Not quite.

Emerald: Anyway, you're not a threat to me.

???? ?????: ...

Emerald: After all, you're just a mere... Lapis Lazuli.

(The one standing there is Mean Lapis, who had fled not long ago, but somehow managed to take some courage to face Emerald head-on.)

Emerald: *chuckles* Your legs are shakin' like a leaf, that's so pathetic! You sure as hell don't even know what you're doing.

Mean Lapis: *shaking in fear* Y-y-you're right. I don't know what I'm doing.

Emerald: *laughs in mockery* You really need to see your face! *laughs* You can clearly see how scared and insecure you are!

Mean Lapis: Exactly. I've never been a determined or self-confident Gem, much less been able to make good decisions on my own.

Emerald: Don't have any doubt.

Mean Lapis: I don't. In fact, the first thing that came to my mind was to run away, then to drown my sorrows, I even thought of shattering myself.

Emerald: If you ask me, shattering yourself is the best option for you.

Mean Lapis: Maybe it is.

Emerald: What're you waitin' for, then? There's still time. Go on, don't lose your nerve.

Mean Lapis: I thought better of it, and there's no need for me to do it.

Emerald: Hm?

Mean Lapis: I deeply regret everything I did to her, but... If I hadn't, most likely I would've ended up rejuvenated and I wouldn't be here in front of you right now. In others words, I'm the only one who can stop you!

Emerald: *mockingly* Oh, really?

Mean Lapis: I know I hurt her pretty bad, obviously she'll never stop hating me, just as I'll never get her forgiveness nor be part of her life, but... I've got to do the right thing at least once, just for her! I've got to protect her from jerks like YOU and ME! Once we're gone, she can be happy living the life she's chosen!!

(Mean Lapis forms two water fists from her wings, just like our Lapis.)

Mean Lapis: I'm here to save her! I'm not gonna stand by and watch you hurt her!!

Emerald: Looks like you're really determined to face me, huh?

Mean Lapis: *determined* Of course I am! *takes on a fighting stance* I've already made up my mind!

Emerald: Ha! What made you think you can beat me?

Mean Lapis: She told me if I never try, I'll never know.

Emerald: *laughs in mockery* You have no idea what you're talking about! Now I'm the most powerful being in the entire cosmos!

Mean Lapis: Those powers you boast so much about aren't even yours!!! *charges at Emerald with her water hands*

Emerald: So slow. *dodges several of Mean Lapis' punches*

(Mean Lapis manages to deliver a punch to Emerald's chest, knocking her back a short distance.)

Emerald: *without a scratch* Is that all you got?

Mean Lapis: *shocked* Wh-what?! *backs up a little bit*

Emerald: What's the matter!? Are you having second thoughts already!? No wonder, I don't even need Diamonds' powers to beat you up!!!

(Emerald charges at Mean Lapis, the latter tries to protect herself with her water fists, but in a quick move, Emerald manages to land a strong punch on Mean Lapis' stomach.)

Mean Lapis: Gaah! *holds her stomach in pain* Aagh!

(Emerald delivers a strong elbow to the back of Mean Lapis' neck, and then kicks her in the right side, knocking her to the ground.)

Mean Lapis: *panting* I-I-I can't lose like this! *she said as she struggled to get up*

Emerald: *towering over Mean Lapis* Lapis Lazulis aren't characterized by having great physical strength, you know?

Mean Lapis: Tch. *looks up at Emerald*

Emerald: You find yourself in this situation because you're a pathetic, useless piece of dirt! *kicks Mean Lapis off the ground*

(Emerald rapidly punches her in the air, before slamming her back into the ground.)

Emerald: It was really stupid to fight me hand-to-hand.

Mean Lapis: *in pain* I-I-I thought I'd hold out a little longer. *groans* At least long enough until...

Emerald: If you had brought some water and used it creatively like the other Lapis, the fight would've been more interesting. But unlike her, you're pathetic. Your love for your partner has made you a stupid Gem who doesn't know how to use her head. *chuckles* Or were you always this pitiful?

Mean Lapis: Why'd you have to say precisely that, as well as compare me to that Lapis?

(As Emerald & Mean Lapis fight, Steven and company push the diamond blast into space with all their might.)

Mean Lapis: *trying to get up* I-I can't give up– *gets kicked by Emerald*

Emerald: You should thank me for being so soft and gentle with you. *kicks Mean Lapis again*

Mean Lapis: *cries out in pain* Ahh!!

Emerald: See? *kicks her again* You didn't even poof. *kicks her again*

Mean Lapis: *in pain* Ahh!! Agh!!

Emerald: But unfortunately for you... *kicks her one last time* My gentleness is over! *places her foot on Mean Lapis' gem* I'm gonna shatter your pathetic, useless gem!! *laughs maniacally* Hope you're ready to die!!

Mean Lapis: *smiles weakly* I think I'd rather die defending the Gem I love... than die alone and with your stupid delusions of grandeur!

Emerald: Huh?!

(Emerald turns around and notices the imminent impact of the diamond blast, which is too close now.)

Emerald: *in fear* Th-this isn't be happening!

Mean Lapis: H-here it comes. *closes her eyes, bracing herself for the impact and expecting the worst*

Emerald: *turns to Mean Lapis* All you wanted to do was distract me, didn't you, you miserable!?!?!

[At the same time.]

Pink Steven: Guys, this is our chance! *shouting* Push with all your might!!

Everyone: *shouting* Yeah!!

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