48. Last Resort

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[Steven floats up to get a better look at the place where the Warship crashed.]

Steven: Good, they're not far away. I'd better go help them!

Garnet: Steven, whatever you're thinking of doing, don't do it!

Steven: I'm sorry, but I have to. Wait for me here, I'll be right back!

Garnet: No! Get down here immediately, this is our only chance to take over White's ship!

Steven: I know, but those Gems...

Garnet: Steven, we had already discussed this as one of the possible outcomes! They're fine, trust me!

Steven: Are you sure?

Garnet: We Gems are pretty tough, remember the time Jasper and Lapis got out of the explosion of Peridot's ship unharmed! Now get down, there's no time to lose!

Steven: Ok...

[Responds a resigned Steven who floats down and lands next to his friends.⁰

Garnet: Steven, there will be times when you won't be able to be there to help everyone...

Steven: But there will always be a next time, I know, I learned that in therapy.

Garnet: All right, then let's go get that ship!

Steven: Sure.

[Steven and his friends run up to the White Diamond's ship, but stop dead in their tracks when they see the ship's door begin to open and four familiar Gems walk out of it.]

????????: *angered* Who the fuck is responsible for this racket?!

[Steven and company gasp in shock at the sight of the Gems in front of them, for they are Bluebird, Holly Blue Agate, Lapis, and Spinel.]

Bluebird: *notices Steven* Oh, so it's you, huh?

Steven: Bluebird!!

Garnet: *adjusts her visors* In the end we got it right. This is their base of operations.

Amethyst: That's convenient...

Bluebird: I never imagined you'd dare to show your face, Steven. I thought you'd be, I don't know, crying in some corner in the depths of Homeworld, that's your specialty after all.

Steven: Silence! We've come to put an end to this madness! Right here, right now!

[Steven and the Crystal Gems get into fighting stance, each summoning their respective weapons.]

Bluebird: I'm impressed that you scumbags were able to take out all the Gems guarding this ship, looks like you planned it well.

Spinel: Look, they're holding Lapis Lazuli and her partner hostage!

Bluebird: Ha! You'd have to be a fool to get caught like that. *chuckles* Anyway, if your intention is to blackmail us with them, Steven, please note that we are not willing to negotiate with you.

Spinel: If that's the case, then we should call for reinforcements, shouldn't we?

Holly Blue Agate: We obviously should. I don't have a communicator with me at the moment though, so I'll go get Jasper's squadron personally, you're coming with me, Spinel. *walks away*

Spinel: That's convenient... I'm right behind you--

[At this, Amethyst suddenly wraps her whip around Spinel's leg.]

Amethyst: Hey!

Spinel: What the fuck is this?!

Amethyst: You're not going anywhere!

[Amethyst immediately proceeds to lash her whip at Holly blue, though she manages to dodge.]

Amethyst: *surprised* N-No way!

[Spinel then takes advantage of Amethyst's distraction to shapeshift her leg into a smaller one, thus freeing herself from the grip of her whip.]

[Both Holly Blue and Spinel successfully escape from the scene.]

Amethyst: Tch. They're gone.

Steven: Doesn't matter, we'll deal with them later! The Gems we have to worry about now are right in front of us!

Garnet: He's right, get ready to fight!

Lapis: Fine. *steps forward to start fighting* Bring it on.

Bluebird: Lazuli! Don't you dare!

Lapis: *turns to Bluebird* Why, is something wrong?

Bluebird: We're just going to distract them until reinforcements arrive.

Lapis: Oh, come on, ma'am. You know there's no need for reinforcements to come, I can take them on by myself!

Bluebird: Is that so? Don't you remember what happened last time?!

Lapis: ...

Bluebird: You failed, and destroyed the whole place unnecessarily!

Lapis: So what?

Bluebird: What do you mean "so what"?! It was quite an ordeal to calm Emerald's anger, she came so close to killing us, you know! Besides, do you have any idea how long it will take to repair all the damage you've caused?!

Lapis: Don't worry about that. I assure you I won't destroy anything, I know how to control myself.

Bluebird: Oh, really? Since when, if I may ask?

Lapis: Yesterday.

Bluebird: You little piece of... Ugh, fine. Knock yourself out. If anything, you'll be the one to answer to Emerald. Got it, Lazuli?!

Lapis: Got it.

Steven: Oh, gosh, here we go again.

Lapis: I'm not falling for your cheap dirty tricks again!

[The area begins to rumble and shake as the ground violently breaks open and a large amount of water emerges relentlessly, the water then surrounds Lapis to form a giant figure of herself that she controls.]

Garnet: Steven, let's do it!

Steven: Boy, I didn't think we'd be forced to resort to that.

Garnet: *to Pearl and Amethyst* Get ready, guys!!

Steven: Yeah. It's time to use our ace up our sleeve, our last resort!

Garnet, Amethyst, Pearl and Steven: The form... Obsidian!!

[Steven Garnet, Amethyst and Pearl begin to perform a fusion dance together.]

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