51- Pressure

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Bluebird: We went overboard with what we taught her, she even had the audacity to rebel against me.

Mean Lapis: *still sore, she rubs where Lapis punched her* I think it was just a matter of time before she got out of hand.

Bluebird: Yes.

Mean Lapis: When I first met her, I saw her as a pitiful gem, but now she terrifies me.

Bluebird: The worst part is that we trained her too well. Now she thinks she's better than me, and I won't have it! Someone needs to take her down a peg or two. *angered* And that someone is me, I'm going to put her in her place!

Mean Lapis: Oh really? How, if I may ask? Will you rejuvenate her again?

Bluebird: Not a bad idea, but first of all she has to defeat that fusion. *points to Obsidian*

(Homeworld ships keep firing energy blasts at Obsidian.)

Obsidian: I don't want to hurt them, but... *covering theirself from energy blasts* These ships never stop coming out from everywhere!

(With a great roar, Obsidian pushes the ships away.)

Obsidian: Finally–

(Out of nowhere, four giant Lapis-shaped water clones form around Obsidian, which are the same size as them.)

Obsidian: Huh?! *looks around* Lapis!

(The four water clones create a water bow and arrow each.)

Lapis: Let's see what you can do against this! *fires a barrage of water arrows at Obsidian*

(The barrage of arrows hits Obsidian squarely, but they suffered no harm.)

Lapis: *in surprise* What!? This can't be! *lunges at Obsidian with her four water clones*

(Obsidian roars loudly, causing a huge sound wave, resulting all the water clones to dispel in the reverberation.)

Obsidian: Is that all you got?

Lapis: Hmm, well...

(The ground breaks open and several water chains emerge, with which Lapis shackles all of Obsidian's limbs, and a few ships take advantage of that to blast them.)

Obsidian: Tch! This is a little problem!

(Obsidian easily breaks water chains holding them, and then roars loudly, pushing ships back.)

Lapis: Tch! This time I'll use more chains.

(Lapis shackles Obsidian's entire body with many more water chains, but Obsidian frees theirself easily by breaking them again.)

Obsidian: Lapis! Don't you get it yet?! Your tricks with the water are useless against me!

Lapis: I won't give up, I'm sure you must have a weakness or something!

(The whole place starts to rumble and shake.)

Obsidian: Wh-what's going on?!

(The ground begins to break open and gigantic ice spikes emerge, but Obsidian is unfazed as these spikes are broken by the mere contact with her body.)

Lapis: *in shock* I-Impossible!

[At the same time.]

(At the place where Bluebird is, Holly Blue Agate and Spinel arrive with Jasper and her Gem squad.)

Jasper: We are here with more Gems.

(Jasper, Spinel, Holly Blue Agate, and the other Gems look up at Obsidian in shock and fear at their intimidating presence.)

Jasper: What the heck is that?!

Holly Blue Agate: It's frightening!

Bluebird: That's a five Gem super fusion, or so I think.

Holly Blue Agate: *impressed* A-Awesome!

Jasper: *incredulous* I can't... believe it!

Mean Lapis: Yeah, and that stupid Lapis wanted to fight that thing alone.

Spinel: Apparently she's losing. We should help her, shouldn't we?

Holly Blue Agate: How? Even with the help of the ships, that thing doesn't seem to take any damage...


(Lapis keeps trying to stop Obsidian, shackling all of their limbs with more and more water chains.)

Obsidian: Grrr! *struggling* I've had enough of these chains!

(Also, the ships kept blasting at Obsidian from everywhere.)

Obsidian: And I've had enough of these ships too!

(With the great force of their roar, Obsidian pushes the ships back and frees theirself by breaking the water chains.)

Lapis: *sighs of exhaustion* It-it's impossible! *panting* I can't... stop them even for a second.

(The ships rejoin and begin firing many missiles at Obsidian.)

Obsidian: I didn't want to do anything to the ships, but... *dodging the missiles* They leave me no choice!

(Obsidian knocks some of the ships down with a single punch and others with a mighty roar.)

Obsidian: I'm very sorry about that! I promise we'll help you all later!

(While Obsidian is distracted by the ships, Lapis takes the opportunity to encases them in a giant water bubble in order to crush them by increasing the pressure.)

Obsidian: Eh? Wh-what's this?!

Lapis: You can't be invincible! *very enraged* I'll crush you!! *begins to increase the water pressure*

Obsidian: Dang it! She really wants to crush me!

Lapis: Come on! *continues to increase the pressure even more* Die, you miserable!

Obsidian: *withstanding the pressure* This is very... harsh!

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