21. Rules

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[Steven and company get to thinking about what they could do to solve the problem.]

Steven: *pondering* Umm... *remembers something* I know what to do!

Connie: Huh?!

Steven: I just remembered something that we could use to help Gems we don't know!

Connie: What are you talking about?

Steven: When I dismantled the Empire and freed all the Gems from the Diamond Authority, we gave them a questionnaire where they had to write down the things they'd like to do but hadn't been able to do because of the Diamonds.

Connie: Why did you do that?

Steven: I thought it would be interesting to learn about the tastes and interests of all the Gems in the universe. In the end I read almost nothing because there were literally millions.

Lars: That's convenient.

Greg: What good does it do us to know all that, son?

Steven: That information was stored in each Gem's database, maybe we can use it to make them remember who they are.

Lars: Hmm, it might work!

Connie: Still, it'll be hard to search and find a specific Gem among so many in the database.

Steven: There's a Gem device that scans the gemstone and immediately displays all the information from the database.

Lars: That's convenient... again.

Steven: We just have to get those scanners! What do you think of this, Connie?

[Connie doesn't respond.]

Steven: Connie?

Connie: Steven. *she said with a serious look in her face*

Steven: What's the matter? Why did you get so serious all of a sudden?

Connie: Suppose we managed to defeat the Gems responsible for this whole mess, what would you do with them?

Steven: I don't know, I would most likely have a very serious talk with them, I would let them know that these things are wrong. I don't understand why you ask me that, talking is what I always do and you know it.

Connie: I figured you would say something like that. Let me tell you, I don't think a talk works every time.

Steven: Huh?

Lars: I think so too, not everyone is willing to change.

Connie: If these Gems dared to defy you and cause all this mess, I highly doubt they'll change their minds just with a talk.

Steven: The Diamonds did, but maybe you're right. What do you suggest I do?

Greg: You should make a set of mandatory rules.

Connie: Yeah! It's a good idea to create certain rules to limit the Gems' social behavior, and punish those who break them to prevent things like this from taking place-

Steven: NO WAY!! Everyone has to be free forever!! If we do that thing you said, we'd be doing the same thing the Diamonds did!

Connie: Well, not exactly. These rules would be fair and egalitarian which would serve to do justice.

Greg: Precisely. Freedom is good and necessary, everyone should be free. But total and absolute freedom can be dangerous.

Connie: Here on Earth there is freedom. The world would be in total chaos if there were no rules limiting people's actions, though.

Greg: What do you think the laws, the police, and prisons are for? There will always be bad people out there who don't give a damn about hurting others.

Steven: Ugh, fine. I'll think about it more calmly after I do some research on the subject.

Connie: I just hope you really consider what we just told you, Steven.

Steven: Yeah, whatever. That doesn't matter right now, what does matter and what we really need is a plan to stop these Gems!

Connie: You're right, I'll explain my plan to you then. But first of all, call the other Gems or send them a video message to come here.

Steven: Okay, I'll do it right away!

[Steven send a video message from the Little Homeworld control panel to all Gem planets that haven't yet been attacked.]

Steven: Dear Gems of the universe... You probably don't know this, but there's a group of Mean Gems attacking your planets, recruiting more and more Gems for their empire... With this message I'm not inviting you to face them, but to evacuate to Earth. Here all of you'll be much safer, I assure you.

[After Steven sent the message, he returns to the living room.]

Steven: All done, I sent the message just as like you told me. Most likely they've already seen it, so they should be on their way by now.

Connie: Perfect! I'll now proceed to tell you my plan, which is to destroy them from the inside.

Steven: What do you mean, Connie?

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