94- Second Chance

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Nice Lapis: Sorry for not having come to visit you earlier, It's just... I was thinking.

Mean Lapis: Thinking? About what?

Nice Lapis: You know, about you and me.

Mean Lapis: I see, I figure what you think about me.

Nice Lapis: What you did was very wrong, that hurt me a lot. It never crossed my mind that you would be able to do something like that.

Mean Lapis: I know I was wrong, I deserve everything bad that happens to me! I couldn't accept you as you are, and that led me to do stupid things. I wish I could erase all the pain my actions have caused you. I know that wouldn't solve anything, since no matter what I do, nothing can change in me.

Nice Lapis: You know, some time ago a pink guy told me everything you did to stop Emerald. That surprised me greatly, it's something you would never have done before. That just shows that you can change too!

Mean Lapis: I don't think so, I wasn't even sure what I was doing. I guess... I just wanted an excuse not to have to shatter myself, despite the desire I had.

Nice Lapis: Heard you recently tried to shatter yourself. I didn't wanna believe it, but even so I was very concerned and came to see what happened. But based on what you just told me. All that true, right?

Mean Lapis: Well not exactly, but yes.

Nice Lapis: Are you serious!?

Mean Lapis: I'm serious! Before I died I at least wanted to make sure that you could live happily. My assignment is done, so it makes no sense that I continue to exist.

Nice Lapis: Do you really think I could live happily knowing that you shattered yourself?!

Mean Lapis: And why not? I'm just a garbage Gem who hurt you a lot, dying is all I deserve.

Nice Lapis: *worried* That's not true! Don't say it even in jest!

Mean Lapis: Look, everything will be better when I'm gone forever. It's just... *sobs* I screwed up big-time with you!

Nice Lapis: No, I screwed up too. I left without thinking about you, at least I should've asked you how you felt, i think that would've changed a lot of things.

Mean Lapis: But things are the way they are now, nothing will change the fact that I made a lot of mistakes.

Nice Lapis: All of us make mistakes at times and we all deserve to be able to rectify when it's possible to do so. It's important that we realize when we are being our worst enemy and denying ourselves opportunities.

Mean Lapis: I know, but I don't have a single reason to go on living. *tears up* I don't have you, I have no purpose or anything to terraform, my life is hell in here, and I am unable to adapt to new changes. Everything gets worse every day, so why continue to prolong this suffering? I'm a waste that has to die!

Nice Lapis: Of course not! You just need help, a lot of help. You must start helping yourself and let yourself be helped. C'mon, don't be afraid and tell me what's wrong.

Mean Lapis: That's... not really important to you. I mean, i don't wanna overwhelm you with my problems. *walks away to a corner of the cell and sits down, curling up* Please go away! I wouldn't like you to see how I...

Nice Lapis: *worried* You can't be serious... *turns to a Gem Guard near the place* Hey, can I get in the cell?

Gem Guard: Yeah, sure, whatever. *walks up to the cell panel* Only five minutes! *desactivates the force field*

Nice Lapis: Thank you!

(Nice Lapis enters the cell and the Guard reactivates the force field.)

Nice Lapis: *walks over to Mean Lapis and places her hand on her shoulder* Don't be closed off to others. Talking will do you a lot of good.

Mean Lapis: It's not worth talking about, believe me.

Nice Lapis: It is worth it. You'll feel better, I assure you.

Mean Lapis: I... *looks away*

Nice Lapis: Don't be quiet. Just tell me how are you.

Mean Lapis: Do you really wanna know how I AM?! *gets up* Fine, I'll tell you! *yells* I'M sick of making things worse! I'M sick of being hurt! I'M sick of crying myself to sleep! I'M sick of hating everything! I'M sick of feeling this way! I'M sick of being... ME! *sobs* I wanted to be all the things you love. Yet sadly i am plagued with flaws haunted by the thought that never met up to your standards! *falls to her hands and knees, letting out a sob* I hate myself! I wanna end it all! *takes a deep breath* I wanna die! *grabs her head with her two hands* I just can't deal with this pain anymore! *sobbing*

Nice Lapis: Please, don't give up so easy. I understand that you are going through a bad time, but you're not alone. *hugs Mean Lapis* If you need a shoulder to cry on, I am here for you.

Mean Lapis: *in tears she hugs Nice Lapis tightly* Partner!! *she said as tears rolled down her cheeks*

Nice Lapis: Even if you are having a hard time now and maybe you see everything negative, life is full of wonderful moments. Life is beautiful and deserves to be lived.

Mean Lapis: I don't know how to live! *crying* And I don't wanna feel like this anymore!!

Nice Lapis: No worries, I'm going to help you get through this so we can be together.

Mean Lapis: Wait! You really want to be with... me?

Nice Lapis: Yeah, sure.

Mean Lapis: Why... would you want that?! I'm disgusting, you should hate me and never talk to me again. You can find someone better, I mean it! I'm not worth it!

Nice Lapis: Don't say that, we both had a really good time together and, despite everithing, I'm... *blushes* very fond you. Therefore, I think you deserve a second chance

Mean Lapis: What?! This is a joke, right?! *cries out loud* I-I-I can't believe you're willing to give me a second chance. A scum like ME doesn't deserve it!!

Nice Lapis: Okay, we should definitely do something about that self-esteem. Look, you are very precious to me and that's why you do deserve a second chance.

Mean Lapis: *captivated* P-partner!

Nice Lapis: You knew how to rectify your mistakes in time, you saved many gems' lives and mine too, that's something I'll always thank you for.

Mean Lapis: ... I think i get you, but... i don't know.

Nice Lapis: You really need to put more effort into learning to love yourself, it's not possible for someone else to do it more than yourself.

Mean Lapis: Hmm... you're right! *wipes her tears* I promise not to disappoint you, I will try to do my best and I will do it only for... *blushes*...you!

Nice Lapis: Don't do it for me, just do it for yourself...

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