43. Taking Risks

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Steven: I think your plan is too risky.

Garnet: There is no such thing as a perfect plan, Steven, there will always be risks to take.

Steven: But this one has too many risks, and I don't think it's worth taking!

Garnet: Don't be so negative, Steven, you decrease the chances of success.

Steven: The thing is, if we fail, you guys will just have your memories erased, but Connie and I will be killed!

Garnet: Yeah, that's for sure.

Steven: See, that's exactly what I'm talking about! I could never forgive myself for Connie losing her life because of me!

Connie: Maybe you're right, Steven. Still, you have to look on the bright side too, not just highlight the bad.

Steven: Connie, aren't you afraid?

Connie: Of course I'm afraid, and how can I not be? I'm just a simple human in the middle of a battle of super-powered aliens. I am aware that at any minute I could die in a horrible way, but that was the risk I took the very moment I decided to help you.

Steven: How can you say that so calmly?

Connie: I don't know. I just think there's nothing wrong with holding on to the only hope you have, no matter how small.

Steven: So, you're telling me that I should just ignore my fears?

Connie: No, obviously not. It's just that if you don't control your fears, they won't control you.

Garnet: Exactly.

Steven: Hmm... *sighs* Let what has to happen happen happen. Nothing ventured, nothing gained, am I right? If we have to die; then we'll all die together!

Pearl: I think your mother said something similar before.

Steven: Alright, let's get on with it then!

Connie: Not yet, first of all we have to find out where the ringleaders' base is.

Steven: Now that you mention it, none of our undercover Gems told us anything about it.

Connie: The Palace certainly isn't their main base, that's already been confirmed, so their main base must be somewhere else, the question is where.

Steven: Do either of you have any idea where it might be?

Amethyst: Beats me.

Pearl: Same here.

Steven: What about you, Garnet, don't you know anything about it? If I remember correctly, you were a high-ranking Gem in there, weren't you?

Garnet: I don't know anything either.

Steven: I see. There's nothing to do then.

Garnet: I may not know where their main base is, but... I do have an idea where it might be.

Steven: Where?!

Garnet: You see, it always struck me as odd that White Diamond's ship was heavily guarded at all times, at first glance there is no reason for it; however, no one but the top brass can get in there.

Steven: Suspicious, don't you think?

Connie: They must be hiding something important in there.

Garnet: Or someone.

Steven: Do you think there is a ringleader in that ship? That would be their base of operations?

Garnet: The odds are high.

Steven: What're we waitin' for then?! Let's check it out!

Connie: Let's not get ahead of ourselves. First of all we have to plan a good combat strategy.

Steven: You're right, sorry

Connie: We have to plan this carefully, but in case something goes wrong, we should take control of the ship and make a run for it.

Steven: That's actually a great idea.

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