55- One More Piece

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(Lapis struggles desperately to break free from Obsidian's grip.)

Lapis: *shouting* Let go of me!!

Peridot: This is strange. Lapis hasn't glowed yet, and her physical appearance remains the same.

Connie: She still hasn't gotten back to normal, has she?

Peridot: Maybe she still needs one more piece.

Connie: But what piece might she need?

Peridot: I don't know, nothing comes to mind.

Lapis *struggling in despair* Let me go! Please!!

Obsidian: Calm down! You're not back to normal yet, I won't let you go until then!

[At the same time, in the distance.]

(Bluebird, Mean Lapis, and Jasper watch what happened.)

Bluebird: Lazuli has lost!

Mean Lapis: Who cares? For me she can go to hell.

Bluebird: You haven't understood anything, have you?!

Mean Lapis: Huh?

Jasper: It's better for us to have her on our side.

Bluebird: Exactly! Or tell me, Lazuli, have you already thought about what you will do in case you have to face her and that fusion together?

Mean Lapis: ... Tch! Okay, you win. Let's help her then.

Jasper: But how?

Bluebird: Hmm, I think I've got an idea.


(A desperate Lapis tries her best to free herself from Obsidian's grip.)

Lapis: *struggling* Please! *shouts* Let me go!!

Obsidian: Tch, what is the last piece you need?

Connie: Hurry up Peridot, try to remember the last piece!

Peridot: *thoughtfully* Hmmm... I got it! I'm surprised I forgot that.

Connie: Eh?

Peridot: I just remembered her missing piece.

Connie: Good!

(Bluebird has finished telling her idea.)

Jasper: What?!

Mean Lapis: You've gotta be kidding me! There's definitely no way I'd do that!!

Jasper: I say the same thing. I won't!

Bluebird: Why not?!

Jasper: Because that's for the weak and cowardly Gems!

Mean Lapis: Because I don't want to! In my first time I'd like to do it when the time is right and with the Gem I-

Bluebird: *interrupts* I don't care about your excuses, you two are the strongest around me!

Jasper: I know, but I absolutely refuse!

Bluebird: This is our only chance. We've been doing everything we can for a long time to make this new empire prosper, and you guys refuse to do something so simple.

Jasper: It's just-

Bluebird: Do you want all our sacrifices and efforts to be in vain? Do you want everything we've accomplished to fall apart from one moment to the next? Don't you want what you long for come true? Is that what you want?! Huh?!

Mean Lapis: Of course not, but-

Bluebird: Lazuli, didn't you say you loved your partner very much? Don't you wanna save her?

Mean Lapis: Yes, I do.

Bluebird: Jasper, you love to fight, don't you?

Jasper: Of course I do! Fighting is my life, that's what I was made for.

Bluebird: Why do you refuse then?! Lazuli, this is the best chance for you to save your beloved partner! And Jasper, this is also the best chance for you to have a great fight!

Jasper and Mean Lapis: Yeah, but-

Bluebird: *enraged* Enough with the buts! There's no time to waste, do as I say now! You have no choice, unless you know another way to defeat that fusion and the other Lapis! Do you know another way?

Mean Lapis and Jasper: Nope.

Bluebird: Then stop complaining and get it over with! That's an order!!

(Jasper and Mean Lapis look at each other in resignation.)

Mean Lapis: This can't be true.


Lapis: *struggling to get free* Please!

Obsidian: Lapis, calm down!

Peridot: It's Jasper! *she said as she turned to Lapis* Do you remember your fusion with Jasper?!

Obsidian: Oh that's right. It's been so long, I almost forgot about Malachite.

Lapis: *confused* Who?!

Obsidian: Well, Malachite is-

(Suddenly, a giant Gem spin-dashes at Obsidian from behind, catching them off guard and knocking them down.)

Obsidian: What the-?!

(As a result, Obsidian accidentally let Lapis scape.)

Lapis: Finally, I'm free! *she shouted with excitement* But, who helped me?

Obsidian: Well, well, well! *stands up* Look who we have here.

?????????: *grunts* Impossible! You're unharmed.

Obsidian: Shall I tell you the truth? I never thought I'd see you again.

(Lapis turns to the Gem who saved her, who is currently fighting Obsidian, and when she notices who it is, she is shocked.)

Lapis: *thunderstruck* It-It's... Malachite! *she said as she begins to glow, returning to her current self* I remember her now!

(Bluebird's idea was to make Jasper and Mean Lapis fuse, that's how it was and the result of fusing these two Gems would be: Mean Malachite or Malachite 2.0, no matter which of the two, they are the same thing after all. Only now there are certain differences from the original Malachite, such as Mean Lapis's curly hair and Jasper's horns.)

Obsidian: We ain't gotta fight. Just look at our size difference.

(In a hypothetical case, their size difference would be like seeing Amethyst and Jasper, but on a different scale obviously.)

Malachite 2.0: That doesn't mean anything!

Obsidian: Oh really? Let's see then...

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