88- Self-Love

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Pink Steven: It's always the same with you. You're just like our mother, you're just like Pink Diamond!

Steven: I don't deny it. I always thought I might be her. In a way it's true, but... now I think I'm sure I'm nothing like her.

Pink Steven: ...

Steven: All this happened because the Gems weren't with me; they have always been my motivation, my support, but this time I was... I was alone.

Pink Steven: You have always been alone–

Steven: NO!

Pink Steven: What did you say?

Steven: There are many people around me that I have helped.

Pink Steven: Oh, really? This all started with your obsession to care more about others than yourself and look how you ended up... alone!

Steven: I know I ended badly, but that doesn't mean it was because of helping others, it's quite the opposite.

Pink Steven: What the–?

Steven: Helping others brings me many benefits as well. I know those people will help me when I need it.

Pink Steven: ...

Steven: I'm not alone, I have never been, it is quite the opposite. Now I'm more sure than ever of that.

Pink Steven: ...

Steven: My friends, my family have always been there for me in any circumstance, even now and always will be... Therefore, I'll always be there for them, for everyone!

Pink Steven: For everyone? Are you sure?

Steven: Of course! And you're included too! *suddenly hugs Pink Steven* I mean, me!

Pink Steven: Huh?!

Steven: I never gave you the attention or little affection that you required and needed.

Pink Steven: They were always negative things.

Steven: I know! But now receive this sincere hug and I assure you that you will receive more positive things.

Pink Steven: Even if you say that, nothing assures me that you will never do the same thing again.

Steven: As long as I have my family supporting me, I'll always have the possibility and the time to give you the attention and the love you need-

Pink Steven: ... *thoughtfully*

Steven: -the love I need

Pink Steven: Hmm... *smiles* I hope so *returned the hug back to Steven*

(Steven and Pink Steven hug each other, start laughing and the whole dark place starts to light up as they become one again.)

(Steven abruptly wakes up in the real world, and the first thing he sees are all his friends around him, who are very worried about him.)

Steven: I'm back!

Steven's Friends: *in tears they shout with joy* Steven!!!

Steven: *tears up* Guys!!

(All of Steven's friends were sad because they thought he was never going to wake up or worse, but when Steven wakes up they hug him happily as they feel relieved that he's okay.)

Garnet: *in tears* Steven, you finally came to! I always knew that you would make it.

Amethyst: *in tears* Never do something like that again, dude!

Pearl: *in tears* We were very worried about you!

Steven: I truly apologize if I made you worry too much.

Connie: *in tears* And... how are you?

Steven: I'm okay.

Pearl: Are you really really sure you're okay?

Steven: Yes I am, I swear. Well, I just feel a little dizzy. But otherwise, I know I'm okay with myself now.

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