25. The Rescue

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[Amethyst walks up to the rear door of the dropship to check the shipment.]

Stevonnie: *looks out a window* We're very lucky that it is our Amethyst who comes to check the shipment.

Lars: Then let's take care of her first.

[Stevonnie gets ready to act.]

Stevonnie: Sure!

[Amethyst opens the rear door of the dropship.]

Amethyst: *surprised* What the-?!!

[Stevonnie grabs Amethyst quite tightly, pulling her into the ship.]

Stevonnie: I've got her!!

[Stevonnie's hand closes over Amethyst's mouth, causing her to scream-muffled and struggle.]

Lars: *closes the door* All set!

Stevonnie: Alright, let's bring Amethyst back...

[How Amethyst gets her memories back has been omitted for brevity, it was pretty much the same as in the movie.]

【After a while.】

[Amethyst can be seen to glow and then float out of Stevonnie's arms. She then cycles between various of her past forms, until she sticks to one, returning back to her current self. After reforming and regaining her memories, Amethyst falls onto the ground from the air.]

Amethyst: *confused* Ohh... What just happened?!

Stevonnie: Amethyst, it worked! You're back!

Amethyst: Stevonnie?! Is it really you?!

Stevonnie: Flesh and blood!

Amethyst: Wh-what are you doing here?!

Stevonnie: We've come to the rescue, of course!

[Amethyst suddenly hugs Stevonnie tightly.]

Amethyst: You saved me!! *tears up* Thank you so much!

Stevonnie: Don't mention it.

[Stevonnie responds as they hugs Amethyst back.]

Stevonnie: Is everything all right, Amethyst?! You're not hurt, are you?!

Amethyst: Don't worry, I'm fine.

Stevonnie: Glad to hear it.

Amethyst: So, what's the plan now?

Stevonnie: I'll let you know the details later, okay? Right now the important thing is to get into this storeroom no matter what.

Amethyst: Got it, ma'am!

【Outside the dropship.】

Amethyst 8XJ: What's taking that runt so long?

Amethyst 8XL: No idea. It's been over twenty minutes already, hasn't it?

Amethyst 8XJ: Yeah.

Amethyst 8XL: That's too long, even for that runt, don't you think?

Amethyst 8XJ: We'd better go check what's taking that bimbo so long.

Amethyst 8XL: Let's go.

【Inside the dropship.】

Lars: *looks out the window* Guys, I hate to interrupt your reunion, but the other Amethysts are coming!

Steven Universe: The Return     [FanFiction English]Where stories live. Discover now