13. Other Matters

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【Meanwhile - Somewhere in the Homeworld Palace.】

[Emerald, Bluebird, Spinel, and two other Gems are gathered in a dimly-lit room, discussing the current situation.]

Emerald: *laughing* Looks like that jerk Steven took the bait, he really got pissed off with what I said, huh? *chuckles* Feelings are the worst weakness of his kind, I see.

Bluebird: You think doing that was a good idea?!

????? ???? ?????: He's probably on his way here right now!

???? ?????: True!

Emerald: Well, that's the idea.

Bluebird: Huh?

???? ?????: What's your idea exactly?

Emerald: Because of Bluebird's screw-up, we have no choice but to attack head-on. But it's better for us if it's Steven who attacks head-on, that's why I told him everything I did to his friends. A little provocation will be enough to lure him right to us. After all, he's short fuse. Well, that's according to Bluebird, an unreliable Gem, so...

Bluebird: Steven's pink outbursts are to be feared, which is why I still don't understand what we gain by luring him here!


Bluebird: *in fear* O-Okay, just don't get mad at me! I'm sorry! *mutters* Speaking of short fuses.

Emerald: *angered* What did you say?!

Bluebird: *shuddering in fear* N-Nothing! I-I-I didn't say anything!

Emerald: You'd better.

Bluebird: But, you know, it's not so hard to share your plans with your teammates, is it?

Emerald: *irritated* Grrr! Please, someone explain it to this damn knucklehead Gem before I kill her.

???? ?????: *sighs* Azurite, Steven's all alone right now, which means he has no one to lean on.

????? ???? ?????: If he was already unlikely enough to beat us, now that he's all alone, it's practically impossible for him to do so!

Bluebird: Oh, I get it! Very good move then, Emerald.

Spinel: Yup.

Emerald: *facepalms* Gosh, I'm surrounded by idiots. Seriously, I can't believe you were so inept as to figure it out until now-- You know what? I'll overlook it just this once, and only 'cause we don't have much time. Steven will be here soon, so while we wait for him, we should keep building up our troops.

????? ???? ?????: Absolutely.

???? ?????: Uhhh, excuse me, may I take the floor?

Emerald: What is it?

???? ?????: I just want to know if I can leave now, or do you guys still need me for anything?

Emerald: Why? Do you have something better to do?

???? ?????: Well, sort of. I have other matters to attend to, so I must go now.

Bluebird: "Other matters to attend to", huh? Yeah, right!

Emerald: What other matters could be more important than destroying Steven Universe?!

????? ???? ?????: She's probably going to meet her partner, or am I wrong? Come on, don't deny it.

???? ?????: *blushes* Well... yeah, I'm not denying it. We were supposed to meet today, and I'm running late.

Bluebird: You know, lately you spend more time with her than with us.

????? ???? ?????: Suspicious, don't you guys think so?

Bluebird: Are you thinking of quitting our group?

????? ???? ?????: She probably is.

???? ????: Wait, hold on! What are you--?

Emerald: You're gravely mistaken if you think you can betray us now that you got everything you wanted! I'll personally make sure you pay dearly for it!

???? ?????: Whoa, whoa, whoa! Guys, take it easy! Don't jump to conclusions! I'm not gonna betray you, I'd never do such a thing. *nervously* I'm just... She and I... Well, you know...

Bluebird: Hehe, look at her. She got all blushy.

????? ???? ?????: So I see.

???? ?????: Huh?

????? ???? ?????: We don't need you for now, we can take care of this without you, so you can go without worries.

???? ?????: But I thought you--

Bluebird: We were just kidding! *laughs hysterically* You should have seen your face and how nervous you got! *laughs* It was priceless! *laughs*

????? ???? ?????: *chuckles* Come on, go to her.

Bluebird: Don't keep her waiting! *laughs*

???? ?????: *blushing, steps away* Idiots!

????? ???? ?????: *mockingly* Say hi to her for me.

Bluebird: *mockingly* For me too! *laughs*

???? ?????: *enraged* Fuck you to hell, both of you!!

[She walks out of the room, and slams the door shut.]

????? ???? ?????: Haha, would you believe me if I told you that I have a slight feeling that she got pissed off?

Bluebird: Actually, I think I have that slight feeling too.

????? ???? ?????: Strange, right?

[They both burst out laughing.]

Bluebird: Haha! She deserves it! Now she knows what it feels like-

Emerald: Enough of this nonsense! I meant everything I said, I wasn't kidding!

[They both flinch in fear.]

Emerald: If she dares to betray us, she'll pay dearly! The same goes for you two! ARE! WE! CLEAR!?!?!

????? ???? ?????: *in fear* C-Crystal.

Bluebird: *in fear* S-Same here. You don't have to take everything so seriously, though, you know? We're a team, but we're friends too, aren't we?

Emerald: *really annoyed* SHUT THE FUCK UP, AZURITE!!!

Bluebird: *flinches in fear* O-O-Okay!

Emerald: We've wasted enough time getting off topic, so would you two mind getting back to what we're actually concerned with?!

????? ???? ?????: Sure thing.

Bluebird: Fine by me, but... where were we?

Emerald: *irrited* We were just talking about how we should keep building up our troops while we wait for Steven!

????? ???? ?????: Oh, we're already on it.

Bluebird: Shall we show them to her now?

????? ???? ?????: Hell yeah! Take care of it, Azurite.

Bluebird: Right away!

[Bluebird summons her wings and flies up the door.]

Bluebird: Just take a look at our new soldiers! *opens the door* Gems, you can come in now!

[Just then, five familiar Gems walk into the room.]

Emerald: No way! They are...

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