16. Outburst

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Holly Blue Agate: *chuckles* Best of all, those Gems you once called "friends" will be the lucky ones to end your pitiful life, I hope you're prepared, Steven Universe!

Steven: Tch... *turns to Jasper* I'll bring back the memories of my friends, or at least I'll try. Do you think you alone can handle the rest of the Gems?

Jasper: How can you question it, my Diamond? Of course I can! This a piece of dirt for me.

Steven: This is a "piece of cake" you mean, don't you?

Jasper: Piece of what? Bah, whatever, these Gems are just wimps compared to me, they all lack what a real Quartz should have; they're nothing but the shame of our kind.

Holly Blue Agate: My, my, looks like our fellow Quartz's ego is sky high, doesn't it? What a jerk, getting cocky in front of us, how pitiful.

Jasper: *angered* Why you...!

Holly Blue Agate: What's wrong? Did what I said bother you? Don't tell me you haven't noticed yet? *chuckles* Just because you're Steven's lapdog you think you're better than everyone else? Well let me tell you, you're not even remotely better than any of these pathetic Gems! You're just another run-of-the-mill Quartz!

Jasper: Ha! You obviously don't know a damn thing about me, otherwise you'd know that I AM NOT just another run-of-the-mill Quartz!

Holly Blue Agate: *rolls her eyes* Yeah, yeah, whatever you say, you dirty little Quartz.

Jasper: I must admit, rejuvenating these Gems was a pretty good move, you practically have a entire army molded to your liking; however, that can also be a double-edged sword.

Steven: What do you mean?

Jasper: It's a no-brainer if you look at it this way - when you rejuvenate a Gem, you not only wipe her memories, but also all her battle experiences and previous training.

Steven: Jasper, that's a very good point, I don't know how I hadn't figured that out! I lost all the powers I had worked so hard to master the moment Spinel hit me with the Gem Rejuvenator, I was as powerless again as when I was a kid! Something similar must've happened to them then!!

Jasper: Don't take this the wrong way, but you're a little slow on the uptake sometimes, my Diamond.

Steven: Pardon?

Holly Blue Agate: So you figured it all out, huh? Pretty impressive for a Quartz, I'll give you that. No use knowing that, though. You're outnumbered!

Jasper: Ha! You think that scares me? I used to fight whole armies in the Gem War! And I don't think an army of pure rookie Gems is a big deal, it might even backfire on you. I wouldn't be surprised at all, I only see a bunch of puny Gems here.

Holly Blue Agate: ...

Jasper: An army based on rejuvenated Gems doesn't seem very practical to me, I mean, what's the point of having a bunch of brainwashed, loyal soldiers if they're all rookies and wimps? It doesn't! Unless your entire army is made up of prodigy Gems who were born with great power, such as Lapis or myself. I highly doubt that's the case, am I right? *she asked in a mocking tone*

Holly Blue Agate: You little piece of...

Jasper: *thinking to herself* Still, I'm concerned that they've rejuvenated Lapis, she's never trained and yet she single-handedly can destroy an entire planet without the slightest effort in a matter of seconds; she's a monster. I honestly wouldn't want to have to face her again. Lucky she's not here, even if she were, pretty sure my Diamond can beat her with ease, right?

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