50- Got Out Of Hand

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(With a mighty roar, Obsidian pushes all the ships away, but they keep blasting at Obsidian.)

Obsidian: Tch! These ships aren't a problem, but... I don't want to hurt anyone, so I'll just keep them away from me.

(Bluebird shivers in horror as she sees Obsidian take on the Homeworld ships.)

Bluebird: (Aquamarine) *quavery voice* B-But hey, apparently my Ruby side has gotten more excited than necessary, hasn't it? *makes her weapon disappear* That's why just this once I'll let someone else do the fighting, okay?

Lapis: *looking at Bluebird in disappointment* You're kidding me, right? *in her thoughts* How could she be shakin' like a piece of chalk after everything she said about herself? Was it all a lie? I think i get it now!

Bluebird: *turns to Lapis* Lazuli, go fight!!

Lapis: What? You can't be serious!

Bluebird: You beat them before, didn't you?

Lapis: I did, but not to that thing.

Bluebird: Just try to hold them off until reinforcements arrive.

Lapis: Fine, I'll try. I don't think adding one more Gem to the merger made a big difference.

Bluebird: That's the spirit, go ahead, Lazuli!

Lapis: At the very least I hope to get a promotion after this.

Bluebird: You're already my right-hand Gem, what more do you want?!

(Obsidian continues to keep ships away with their roars.)

Obsidian: *shouts at the ships* Hey! Gems inside the ships. I don't wanna fight, you guys would only get hurt, I mean it! Just get out of here!!

(Despite Obsidian's warning, neither ship retreated. Instead, more and more ships arrived and began firing energy blasts at Obsidian.)

Obsidian: What the-?! More ships?!

Bluebird: Well, at least the ships are keeping them distracted.

(As Obsidian faces the ships, Mean Lapis flies in to where Bluebird and Lapis are.)

Mean Lapis: I'm here! *lands next to Bluebird* I had a few issues with a Peridot, but I'm all right now.

Bluebird: You're just in time!

Mean Lapis: What for? I just came to ask for your help. I've got something very important to do, I need to save my partner!

Bluebird: Nobody cares about that now! We have far more important things to deal with.

Mean Lapis: There's nothing more important to me than her!

Bluebird: Oh yeah? And what about that!? *points up to Obsidian* That's a threat to all of us, neither your partner nor anyone else will be safe as long as that thing is around. That's why you two gotta fight together in order to beat that thing.

Mean Lapis: Ugh, fine. If that gets her protected, I'm fine with it.

Bluebird: Great! Then go and fight already.

Lapis: I don't need this Lapis's help!

Bluebird: What did you say!?!

Lapis: Wasn't she the one who was easily defeated along with her partner just a little while ago? Don't you see? Even combining her powers with another Lapis, she's still just as insignificant. She'd only get in my way.

Mean Lapis: Hey! *she exclaimed* Remember, I'm in a higher rank than you! Besides, it was me who taught you everything you can do with water, so at least have a little respect for me!

Lapis: You don't deserve it, in a very short time I have far surpassed you, haven't I?

Mean Lapis: *enraged* Who do you think you are to talk to me this way?!

Lapis: C'mon, face it! I'm stronger and much better than you.

Mean Lapis: YOU!!

Lapis: You know what? *speaking in a humiliating and contemptuous way* You're nothing but a pathetic, inept Lapis Lazuli! *intimidating glare* You can't even protect yourself, and you expect to be able to protect your partner! *chuckles* Someone as pitiful as you only deserves to be shattered.

(Mean Lapis didn't know how to reply, so she had no choice but to look away, trying to hold back tears.)

Lapis: Hah, how pathetic! Really? Gonna cry?

(Lapis summons her water wings, forms fists from them and punches Mean Lapis in the stomach.)

Mean Lapis: UNNGH! *falls over and holds her stomach in pain as tears well up her eyes* Gahh!

Lapis: *with a smirk, watches as Mean Lapis writhes in pain* Now you do have a good reason to cry. *makes her water wings disappear*

(Lapis stomps on Mean Lapis's head and laughs scornfully as she makes her cry and scream in pain.)

Lapis: I always wanted to do this! *puts her foot on Mean Lapis's gemstone* Haha, die!

Mean Lapis: Ahh. *closes her eyes expecting the worst*

Bluebird: That's enough! This is no time for your nonsense!

Lapis: *glares at Bluebird* You better keep your mouth shut, Azurite! Unless you want to meet the same fate as this Lapis.

Bluebird: *angered* I won't tolerate that way of speaking to me, Lazuli!

Lapis: Oh yeah? Let's see then.

(Lapis approaches intimidatingly Bluebird, causing her to back up in fear.)

Bluebird: *shaking* Don't come near me. Don't! I'm warnin' you!

Lapis: Oh my, are you afraid of me, huh? Didn't you say you were very brave? And the rest of the spectacular things you said about yourself?

Bluebird: *looks away* Tch!

Lapis: I knew it. It dawned on me after I saw how you chickened out a little while ago, that's when I lost all my respect for you. Everything is quite clear to me now, that's why I'll take your status in the empire.

Bluebird: Don't even think about it, I won't allow it!!

Lapis: And why not? You shouldn't complain. I was thinking about it, and it's not a bad deal at all.

Bluebird: I thought I made it very clear, you are forbidden to think for yourself!!

Lapis: Yup, but I changed my mind. After all, you always say that the strongest is the one in charge, don't you? I AM very strong with my powers, on the other hand you... you're just a simple weakling. And I don't want to take orders from a weak, useless piece of dirt!

Bluebird: *enraged* Grrr! I'll get you for this, you, you miserable!

Lapis: So... you want to face me, huh? *grabs Bluebird by her "shirt" and lifts her up* And what do you think a scum like you can do against me, huh?! *she said with a threatening glare and voice*

(Shivering in fear, Bluebird had no choice but to look away, feeling intimidated.)

Lapis: Thought so. *drops Bluebird on the ground* I'll take care of you two later. I've got to deal with that fusion first. *summons her wings and waves goodbye in mockery* See ya, Azurite, Lazuli!

(Lapis flies off as she draws water from the ground, forming a Lapis-shaped water clone and preparing to fight.)

Bluebird: Tsk! That Lapis got out of hand! But I won't let her get away with this for any reason!!

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