11. Unexpected Call

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[Steven - sitting on the living room couch - covers his face with his hands.]

[Jasper - standing with her arms crossed - just watches him with concern.]

Steven: No-n-n-n-n-no! Th-Th-This can't be true! *sighs* I'm all alone... again. *he said sadly*

Jasper: How are we supposed to deal with this without the other Diamonds?

Steven: I have absolutely no idea, I think I'm just going to--

[Abruptly, the diamond control panel in the conservatory begins to beep incessantly and can be heard all the way to the living room.]

Steven: Huh? What's that?

Jasper: No clue. It's coming from upstairs.

[Steven and Jasper go up to the conservatory to check what the beeping on the panel is about and it turns out to be a mysterious video call.]

Steven: Someone from Homeworld is video-calling me, I wonder who it is.

[Steven picks up the video call and the panel screen shows a Gem with a light green complexion, large, spiky bright green hair, and prominently pointy fangs. Her gemstone is where her right eye would be. She has large rectangular shoulder pads and pale furry ruff at the base of her neck.]

???????: Greetings, Steven Universe.

Steven: *confused* You?

???????: I'm so glad you're the one taking my call, Steven.

Steven: I'm really sorry. I don't have much time to attend you, so let's keep it short, okay?

???????: Is this a bad time?

Steven: Sort of.

???????: I see.

Steven: Anyway, let's cut to the chase, shall we?

???????: ...

Steven: What's the reason for your call... Emerald?

[The Gem seen on the panel screen is Emerald, an old foe that Steven and the Off-Colors faced a few years ago.]

Steven: Do you need something?

Emerald: I'll get straight to the point.

Steven: ...

Emerald: I suppose by now you're aware of the attack on Homeworld and other gem planets, aren't you?

Steven: Yes, I am aware of everything. Do you happen to know anything about it? Anything could help us find the perpetuator behind those attacks.

Emerald: Well, you could say that I know the perpetuator. What's more, you know her quite well too, Steven.

Steven: Are you for real!? Who's she?! Where's she?!

Emerald: She's right in front of you, on the screen of your control panel.

Steven: *shocked* What!?! Is it you!?!

Emerald: Indeed, my dear Steven Universe! I'm the mastermind behind it all! I've only got a few Gem planets left to conquer at this point.

Steven: Based on what you just told me, I assume you also had something to do with the disappearance of all the Gems on Earth.

Emerald: You assume right! My undercover Gem stole them right out from under your nose, she told me she even talked to you.

Steven: *gasps* Don't tell me you're talking about--

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