Chapter 8

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My stories have lots of typos since I just type and type. The random things that comes to my mind while typing is different from how I imagine the story would flow so I myself don't know how this will end. But that is life though. I just hope you still enjoy reading it. Unedited though.

Alice is in a good mood when all the chaos  started. Everybody is shouting frantically, running around and objects are flying everywhere. She told her kids to run away so they won't get stomped and get crushed. What had gone wrong?

Well this happened because of alcohol. The wedding organizer is Zen's sweet sister Lenia, got dragged into the party. They got drank the whole night, island hopping the next day and dead tired til noon. They did not knew she is the wedding organizer until Zen barged in the hall fuming about things that were still not done yet. Especially the bride when the wedding is in two hours. The people that dragged her around felt guilty and tried to defend her but they all received an earful to last another decade from Zen. They apparently made a misunderstanding that the wedding will be in another 24 hours.

Good thing Enelia Alice Felix Ylsen Miles and his wife Deneres Diane and Diana was stayed. The girls helped prepare Berry for the wedding while the boys look after the kids and prepare some things that are needed. Well all is already prepared by Lenia and her team. They just did little touch ups.

Berry did not mind. She also had a great time in the full body massage manicure and pedicure eversince early in the morning with the girls. She is glowing. But now the scene in front of only need blood to be called a battle field. The girls said that 2 hours to prepare themselves and Berry is not enough.

"Which do you think is better? Now or before they arrived?"Enelia said from behind her.

"I place my bet if there is fewer people here it will be faster. But I also bet they would all like to do Berry's hair or something. They won't yield easy even if you drag them all out one by one." She whispered back.

She jolted when Lenia shouted from behind her. Enelia snickered at her.

"Okay people we need to get most of you out of here! Come on people step away from the bride and out of the room!"

The ladies groaned and went back to their rooms to prepare themselves.

"Nice commanding voice."

Lenia looked at her and smiled as her team spread and start making Berry the most beautiful bride in the world.

"Thanks. Got it from my brother." Then she winked.

"About your brother. Are you okay? I heard he was very mad he called you names."

She just rolled her eyes and chuckled. "Girls I'm fine. I've been with him my whole life that is not the worst scolding that happened this century. My brother is a sweet man but he got temper. I actually got shook when Berry right there"she points at Berry who is having fun twirled around with her dress "said that she never got to see his usual temper. God it made me laugh hard when she said he is basically the lamb in this relationship."

Alice lifted an eyebrow. "She never did? He is grumpy everyday ever since I met him."

"Exactly my point." Then they high fived.

Enelia frowned. "I think we don't have the same Zen in mind here. He is overly sugary with mom and very nice to me. He smiles and laughs with me everytime."

Alice frowned too and Lenia choked her laughter. "Zen is the person we are talking about here En. No one in the town will say he is that approachable."

Lenia is laughing her ass out she is in tears "No no I think I get it. You are now my beautiful niece and the the mother of our first grandchild not to mention his mate's daughter. Do you get my point here? For centuries we have never tried to actually expand our family. Our root family wanted us to make babies so we can keep the generation of purebred going but we didn't. You're the first addition to the family ever since we decided to cut ties with them. And he is always insecure of his attitude. I think he just don't want to scare you two away. So he is taking things slowly. Aside from the fact that he is also feeling that you really is his daughter now." After Lenia's long statement Enelia is crying. Berry seemed to hear them too because she is crying. Well Alice wiped her tears as Lenia hugged Alice and Enelia.

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