Murder in the City - Part 1

Start from the beginning

Soon a white hooded girl covered with blue blood approached him, totally angry at the deserter who abandoned her team.

Natalia: "Sooo? How is your day going? You look relaxed there buddy"

Alucard: "Ah, pretty good. This grass feels amazing."

Natalia: "Cool, cool. You, uh, wanna know what I did today?"

Alucard: "Not particularly. But I suspect that wasn't the real question-"

Natalia: "I WAS FIGHTING GODDAMN SHEEPTAR!! And it was great, you should have been there. He was climbing walls, spitting acid...."

Alucard: "We are still talking about a sheep right? Not like a... fluffy Kastiyan?"

Natalia: "It's a really stupid demon boss!!"

Alucard: "Apparently not that stupid if it killed seven of us."

Natalia: *sigh* "Twelve now, actually."

Alucard: "Oh, now that's a thing. Well you survived, so hey silver lining."

Natalia: "Okay, what the hell is wrong with you!? You're way too... mellow."

Alucard: "Well, I had some time to kill before the raid, so I figured to boost my health regen a bit by eating some weird plants. And now everything is.....just great...."

Natalia: "Oh my God. I can't BELIEVE this! You're the one who proposes not to use jungle monsters as bait and then you go and get stoned!"

Stoned Alucard: "Natalia, Natalia, Natalia. Look okay, I get it. You had a really bad day, you're stressed out, seven people died."


Stoned Alucard: "Not the point, look they are dead now. And really? Whose fault is that?"

Natalia: "YOURS!"

Stoned Alucard: "Thats right. No ones. So why don't you lie down, relax and watch the stars with me?"

Natalia: "It's two in the afternoon!! There are no stars!!"

Stoned Alucard: "Only if you're looking with you're eyes."

Natalia: "What the hell does that means!?"

Stoned Alucard: "Only one way too find out."

And so, he closes his eyes, quickly falling in a deep sleep.

Natalia: "You better come down soon so I can kick your teeth in...."


After few hours, Alucard wakes up to see the sky covered in orange haze of the setting sun. But something was not normal. His hand was weighed down by something. He turned to see a very delicate face, sleeping peacefully beside him.

Alucard: 'I know I invited you to watch the stars, but couldn't you find a better pillow than my arm?'

He knew she was exhausted. Killing a boss demon is a very difficult task. And it became even more harder due to his little stunt.

Alucard: 'Let's just wait here until she wakes up..'

And so, laying down with the strongest assassin of the Monastery at his side, Alucard passed time by counting the clouds.

"Oi Alucard!"

A distant call. It was a was Trevor, standing at the nearby road.

Trevor: "Where were you entire mission?"

Alucard: "Looking at the stars."

Trevor: "..okay.. Ezria ordered you to come to the guild, let's go-"

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