Chapter 1

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Jeff's P.O.V

Yay! Finally spring break! I get to go home and see mom. I got out of bed and walked to the bathroom I share with my roommate, who is also my Best friend. Someone put their cold hand on my bare shoulder and I jumped and grabbed the hand. "Jeff it's just me..." Sebastian said, laughing at me. I smiled and turned back to the mirror, while Seb got in the shower. "Excited to see your mom?" he asked. I nodded and saw his head peeking out from behind the shower curtain. "Yeah excited to see your family?" I asked knowing that his little siblings were going to tackle him as soon as he walk in the door. He nodded "Yeah I've gotten like 20 letters in the mail in 3 weeks..." He smiled. Scarlett, Spence and Samantha they are all just the cutest things. Scar is 6½, Spence is 9, Sammy is 13 and Seb is 17. Me I'm an only child... It's just me and my mom. I started brushing my hair as Seb came out of the shower in a towel, he grabbed the hair dryer and started drying his hair. "Jeff could you grab me some clothes?" he asked. I walked to his dresser and pulled out a pair of boxers, a superman t-shirt and a paired of his skinny jeans. I walked over to the bathroom and opened the door handing him the clothes. "Thanks," he said taking the clothes and closing the door. I turned and walked over to my dresser. I put on my skinny jeans, and a black shirt with my red jean jacket. I slipped my black sneakers and grabbed my suit case. "Am I driving you Seb?" I asked making sure I had all of my items I was bringing. "Yeah," Seb said walking out of the bathroom swiping his hand through his hair that he put a little bit of hair gel in and making a quiff. We grabbed our suit cases for spring break which is for 2 weeks and walked down to my car. The first stop was Seb house and there were 5 little heads in between the window and curtain 3 human and 2 dogs. Once they saw Seb start unloading his suitcase the door flew open and the kids and dogs ran out. "Sebby!" Scarlett and Spencer yelled hugging his legs. "Hey Seb!" Sammy said hugging his torso. Seb picked up Scarlett and handed her to me, "Hi Jeffy!" she squealed wrapping her arms around my neck. "Hi Scar," I smiled. Spencer ran over and hugged my leg, "Hey Spence!" I said ruffling his hair. "Hi Jeff!" he smiled. Seb was having a conversation with Sammy while petting his dogs. I heard him groan, "Jeff you should really get going, unless you wanna hear about this new boy band..." He sighed, Sammy looked at me all innocent as if she should have a halo above her head. I nodded "I best be off my mom's waiting." I smiled "Bye Jeff," Spence said sadly, hugging my leg then walking over to Seb and grabbing his hand. "But Jeffy stay..." Scarlett said with puppy eyes at Seb. "Sorry Scar he has to go see his mommy..." Seb said. She sighed, "Bye, bye Jeffy..." She said wrapping her tiny arms around my neck. I placed her on the ground and she walked over to Seb who picked her up. They all stood on the porch waving as I drove off. I drove about a half an hour where, arrived at my house. I got to the door and opened it. "Mom I'm home!" I yelled. "In your room sweetie..." she said sounding like she was crying. I walked up the stairs and into my room, mom had tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes. "Mom what's wrong?" I asked. This only made her cry more. "Mom?" I asked again. "Enough Jeffrey I am not your mom!" she snapped. I was a little taken back, I took a step away from mom. "W-what do you mean?" I asked. "Jeff sweetie when you were born you belonged to this nice couple. At the hospital the day you weed born, I stole you because I got lost in those adorable little hazel eyes of yours... Jeff sweetie you were the prettiest little baby and I needed to have you. I lied to the Hospital and said you were mine, your name is Jeffrey Simon Lynch not Sterling... now they know I have you and want you back, so in the car," she sighed following me down the stairs and to the car. We drove for about 2 hours in complete silence, except the radio. How could she do this to me? California... I mouthed to myself as we drove past a huge 'Welcome to California' sign. We drove another ½hour and drove up on a drive way. Mom sighed, "Here we are, your real family.... The Lynch's." she said getting out of the car and I followed. We walked up the path and over to the door. Mom knocked and a lady came to the door, when she answer she gasped and covered her mouth with her hands. Then glared at mom. "Please come in" she said gesturing us inside. I walked in and removed my shoes, the polite thing to do. Mom and I followed the lady into the living room. A man was sitting on the couch, he looked over at me and gasped to. What is with all the gasping? I sat on the couch beside mom and she and the other lady I soon learned was named Stormie. The guy I learned was named Mark chimed in once and a while. Soon the door opened and 6 kids walked into the room, I was safely hidden behind mom. "How was the movie guys?" asked Stormie. "Great, Frozen was adorable!" a girly voice rang. They all started leaving and I thought I was home free until my phone started blasting glad you came Warbler addition. My cheeks turned bright red and I quickly stood up and left for the car. "Hey Jeff how's home?" asked Seb. "Confusing..." I said. "Why?" he asked sounding confused. "My mom just told me she stole me from another family and now the other family wants me back so we're at their house and to make things more awkward you called and I forgot to put my phone on vibrate so it blasted Glad You came...." I said all out of breath. The other line was silent for a minute. "Well that's cool..." Seb said sounding shocked. "How's your home?" I asked leaning my head against the window. "Oh it's nice the family is happy I'm home and we're having pizza for dinner." I laughed. "Oh Seb you and your Pizza..." the line when silent again. "Hi Jeffy!" Scarlett squealed. "Hey scar!" I mocked her. She giggled and started telling me about the pony princess Play set she got for her birthday. Then she stopped too. "Hi Jeff!" Spence shouted. "Hey Spence." Then he started telling me about Sebastian's collection of action figures. "Spence give me my phone back!" Seb yelled. "Never!" Spencer yelled and but the sounds I could tell he was running. "Bye Jeff. I need to throw someone in the pool!" Seb said hanging up. Before he hang up I heard Spence scream and run. I chuckled and put my phone on vibrate and threw it in my pocket. I leaned my head back and watched mom come out. "Jeffrey Simon get in that house!" she said sternly. I gulped and obeyed. Mom dragged me in the living room and now all the people that were about leaver were sitting on the floor and beside mark and Stormie. I faced them and all the people gasped, but one caught my attention. One looked exactly like me. "Guys, this is Jeff." Said Stormie. "Riker he's your twin brother..." she said.

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