Chapter 15

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Jeff's P.O.V
I can't believe my own brother would kiss my crush- I uh mean best friend. Not just my brother, my twin brother! I stormed past the gate and down the street. I really need to cool down. There has to be some kind of logical explanation... Right? Like is Riker bi too? Did Nick dump his cheep boyfriend? I don't know and I don't really care at the moment. I-I feel like punching a wall. That's just what I'm gonna do. I walked around until I found an old brick building. I pulled my arm back and threw a punch as hard as I can. As soon as my fist made contact, I pulled it back in pain. "Ow! Firetruck!" (A/N:What starts with F and ends in uck? Firetruck!) I quickly pulled my wrist to my chest. I could hardly see, from my blurred vision. I have a very low pain tolerance. "Hey, uh are you alright?" I blinked my eyes, and the tears blurring them slid down my cheek. Before me stood one of the prettiest men I had ever seen. "Just letting some steam out..." I sighed with a small pained smile. "Ah, I see." I nodded with his statement. "Do you want me to take you home? So you can put some ice on that?" He glanced to my colour changing hand. The thought crossed my mind, but with the party going on, and my tear stained cheeks and red puffy eyes, I quickly crossed it out. "I'd prefer if you didn't.." I said just above a whisper. "Well you should really ice that, do you wanna maybe come to my house and I can help you out with that...?" I thought for a moment, what other choice do I have? "That would be great thanks." I smiled. He nodded and led me to a car. The drive was painfully silent. My mind that was running wild, was causing me to have second thoughts. What if he's a murderer? Or a rapist? Or what if he just wants to make fun of me. Or maybe he's not taking me to his house, maybe he's a hacker trying to get my back card, or or or, he's a robber and he really wants the 20$ bill in my back pocket, or- my thoughts were inturupted by the stopping of the car. "Well here we are, my little apartment." He came around and opened my door for me. Hmm gentalman like. He led me down the hall and into a door, that he unlocked. It was a nice little apartment, 2 bedrooms 1.5 bathrooms. A living room, dining room and kitchen, and loads of storage space. He walked into the kitchen "take a seat on the couch, make your self at home, I'll be there in a minute." I slowly walked to the living room, a sectional was placed against the wall, and a lazyboy recliner lined up beside it. I admirered how it was set up. I took a seat on the sectional, still clutching my hand. He came and sat on the coffee table in front of me. He set the Ice, wrapped in paper towel beside him and held his hand out. "Can I see your hand?" He asked with a raise eyebrow, after I didn't get what he was doing. I nodded shyly and held my aching hand out to him. It was a lovely shade of purple, with bits of black throughout it. My knuckles were all swollen. The guy examined my hand for while, before coming to a conclusion. "Bad news, you broke it and I'm gonna have to take you to the hospital." He said sympathetically. I nodded and stood up. "Hold his on your hand, until we get there." He held the Ice out to me. I great fully took it and hissed in pain, as I pressed it into my hand. "Woah easy easy, gental like this," he took the Ice and softly placed it on my hand. I nodded pulling my hand back to my chest, with the Ice still wrapped around it. We went out to his car and started the 45 minute drive to the hospital. "So how'd you get into this mess..." "Jeff Sterli- I mean Lynch." "I'm Carter by the way," he said with a toothy grin. I smiled alittle. "Well my mess started when I was four I guess or maybe when I was born. So when I was born I had a twin brother. I was born to my parents Mark and Stormie Lynch. Apparently I was kidnapped in the hospital, and the lady who kidnapped me raise me like I was her own." I continued. "So when I was 4 apparently I was in a car crash and it made me like a 4 year old baby." I continued again. I told him about Dalton and finding out, I told him of my first impressions of the Lynches and what made me mad at them in the first place. Basically I was explaining my whole life to the stranger named Carter. "I walked into the kitchen and, I saw my brother kissing the guy I like." I sighed summing up my entire existence. "You like guys?" He asked surprised. I knew he was too good to be true. A homophobe. "Yes." I stated confidently. "me too." He laughed. My face softened. "Really?" I asked. He nodded, as we pulled into the hospital parking lot. We walked in and Carter got the paper work for me and we started filling it out. Moments later, he returned it and we sat, side by side in a comfortable silence, until my phone started buzzing. Riker's name and face popped up on the screen, and I clicked the ignore button for like the 18th time in the past 4 hours. "You didn't tell me about you family..." I said softly, shoving my phone into my pocket after I completely turned it off. He smiled, "Well its really dull compared to yours." He joked. I laughed really hard and my smile was beaming to mexico. He started explaining his life story too. "Jeff Lynch?" I stood up and Carter followed me. I got a red cast and Carter signed it first. "Wanna spend the night at my place?" I jumped at that offer still not wanting to return home. I nodded. "Alright lets go." We got in the car and I banged my head off my cast for the first time... Hurray...! That caused Carter to laugh. He's like my dream man............

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