Chapter 19

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Jeff's P.O.V

We just boarded the cruise ship, and I met Ellington's parents for the first time. They were really nice. 

"Okay, Riker, Jeff, Ross and Ryland, your floor 8, rooms 341 & 342. If you need us you can call or text us. Everyone else's rooms are written on the sheet s you can find us." Dad explained, handing us key cards and slips of paper. We all walked down the hallway on floor 8 after separating from the group. 

"This is us." Riker grabbed my sleeve and pulled me back as I continued walking totally oblivious of walking right past our door. 

"We're just across the hall." Ross smiled, sliding his key card through the sensor and pulling his door open, he and Ryland walked in and the door naturally closed behind them. Riker slid our key through and our door opened. Not gonna lie, this place is sweet. Two queen sized beds, a master suit sized bathroom and a small kitchen, stalked up with coffee packets and free water bottles. 

"Whoa." Riker commented, claiming the first bed, closest to the door. I nodded and placed my stuff on the other bed. 

"Look lets just pretend to get along." I finally spoke after Riker had been staring at me for the passed 10 minutes. 

"But I didn't kiss him!" He whined. 

"Sure Riker." I rolled my eyes and walked towards the door. "I'm going to explore, text me if your need me." I sighed, grabbing my key card and walking out. The place was really crowded and the only place I could think of to go was the bar. I grabbed a seat at the counter. It wasn't really busy. A few couples grinding on each other in the corner by the DJ booth, some singles looking around for someone to get with and a few guys sitting at the end watching an old football game. The more I think about it the more people are probably spending time with their loved ones, and doing things children are actually allowed to do. 

"Isn't it a little early to be drinking?" A voices asked me. I know that voice. 

"What are you guys doing here?" I turned in my chair to be greeted by Blaine and Kurt. 

"Oh you know we just got lost looking for the mall." Kurt said sarcastically. 

"We are going on the cruise." Kurt smiled, after he was done being sarcastic. 

"I'm pretty sure Seb is here too." Blaine thought for a second.

"Nick?" I asked nervously. 

"No he got some weird job and passed on the offer." Kurt explained. 

"Are you alone?" Blaine asked taking a seat beside me. I shook my head.

"Nope I came with my family." I sighed.

"But you're drinking- in a bar- alone- at 1 o'clock?" Blaine asked, I nodded and took a sip of my Palm Bay. 

"Why are you in here?" I pointed at Blaine, "You're not old enough to drink." 

"On this cruise I am!" He smiled. I laughed and took another drink. 

"What floor are you?" I asked. 

"We are floor 8, room 321." Kurt said. 

"Seb is same floor room 322, how about you?" Blaine added. 

"Same floor, room 341." I smiled. Maybe I won't be alone." I smiled towards my friends. I'm so glad that Kurt has no hard feelings about the rock salt slushy Seb threw at him.  He's actually a pretty good guy.

"Well we're going to go get settled," Kurt started, cuddling into Blaine's side, "We should arrange a group hang out sometime."

"Yea that sounds cool, I'll text you some details Blaine." I smiled. They nodded and took off hand-in-hand. I turned back to the bar and took a swig of my oddly sweet drink. 

Where are you? -Riker

I decided to ignore is, because why not? It's not like they can actually loose me on a confined  boat, in the middle of the ocean.  I stared out the window and watched the land get further and further away.

"So, did ya come here alone?" The voice sounded familiar,but I couldn't quite put my finger on it. I turned in my swivel chair and was greeted face-to-face by one of my best friends ever.

"Are you hitting on me?" I laughed as he took a seat in the chair beside me.

"Pff noo..." He joked, causing me to laugh. 

"So why are you sitting alone? You'd think someone of your very many siblings would be with you." He said, looking around to make sure that none of my siblings were actually in the bar with me. 

"Eh, just letting them have a little space." I shrugged half making it up. "How'd you even know I was here?" I asked swirling my straw around my now ice filled cup.

"Passed Blaine and Kurt on the walk to the main office, my TV remote had no batteries." He explained. I laughed and felt my phone buzz in my pocket.

Get up to the dining hall! We are all waiting! Mom is on the verge of coming to get you herself! -Riker

"Crap. Seb I'll text you later but my family is waiting for me in the dining hall. You, Blaine, Kurt and I should all hang out sometime. I'll text you the details!" I explained, running out of the bar and to an elevator. I shortly got up to the dining hall and started searching for a pod of blonde hair, and a couple brunettes. Once I located the pod of eye blinding blondness, I slowly approached it. 

"Sorry I'm late, I was uh grabbing some water. And uh started talking to the nice girl...and I uh guess lost track of time." I explained,The colour from Riker's face drained. 

"Sweetie, why were you grabbing water? Riker told us you were feeling sea sick." She explained.

"Well uh," I glanced at Riker and he mouthed play along. "I am sick, but after Riker left I felt like some mountain water, so I umm went to the front office and got some good water instead of the water bottles in the room that taste like the plastic bottle." I rambled on, glancing at Riker to see him giving me a thumbs up. "Then I got distracted by the nice girl."

"Eh dude you gonna hook upon a cruise?" Rocky laughed wiggling his eyebrows. 

"Rocky Mark Lynch! That is not appropriate for the table." Mom warned, a playful smile on her lips. I could feel my cheeks burning.

"Oh Jeff sweetie, head back to your cabin, I'll send Riker back with some food for you, but it looks like you need some rest." Mom smiled, kissing my forehead. I nodded slowly and walked out. That went better than expected. 


Welp, I updated. Sorry I took so long. Anyways Happy spring break! Whats new with you guys? I made a stray cat friend who is currently sleeping on my bed. She isn't a big fan of my dogs but she's super cute. I'm calling her Sassy. Lol. Well Baiiiii peoppllleeesss

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