Chapter 13

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Riker's P.O.V
It's been two days since Nick visited. Ross is the only one Jeff'll talk to... Beside mom and dad. We need to find a way to make it up to him. I could blame it all on Rydel... But I don't really wanna live with Rydel's Wrath... hmm... I could get his uniforms Dry cleaned... But that doesn't really do anything when they aren't dirty. I know! I'll throw him a surprise party/ welcoming party! Perfect! He can meet all our friend, I can invite his friends, and I'll even get him a welcome present! I need to get my siblings in on this. I walked to Rydel's room, on the way getting, Ross, Ryland and Rocky. We walked into Delly's room and we all sat on her bed. "What is it? I was taking a nap..." Ryland said rubbing his eyes. "I know what will get Jeff to forgive us." I spoke softly. I watched their faces brighten up. "Really how?" Delly asked. I gathered us all into a huddle and started speaking. "Okay my idea is we throw him a surprise / welcome party. He hasn't met anyone we know, and we really haven't met his friends. Plus we can all chip in and get him a present. Some kind of welcome to the family gift." I spoke clearly, yet softly. "That just might work..." Rocky said, rubbing his chin. "How will it work?" Ross asked. "Well I'll assign us all a job, Like Ross, since he's not mad at you, you'll distract him that day. Rocky you'll be in charge of decorating the back yard. Rydel you are in charge of food. And Ry will be our DJ mean he's in charge of the music." I spoke the plan. "Sounds good but what about you?" Ross asked. "And what about the gift?" Ryland asked right after. "I'm in charge of guest list, I could easily 'borrow' his phone and invite all his friends, then delete the texts. And as for the gift, we'll all go out and buy it together." I said. They all nodded. "So when is it?" Rocky asked. I thought for a second. "In one week." I said with a nod. We all went our separate ways. I really hope this works.
It's 11:30 right now. Jeff just crashed and his phone is on his night stand. I quietly crept over to his side of the room and picked his phone up, and unplugging it. I walked back over to my side and looked at his lock screen. It was a picture of him and I both dressed in his Warbler uniforms and he did my hair. Mom was obsessed for like hours. I slid my finger across the bottom of his apple phone and his password keyboard came up. 'Hmm what would he make his password?' I thought to myself. I tried many things like, 'R5Rocks' 'Jeff123' 'JefferyIsAmazing' but none of them worked. Then one thing poped into my mind. I typed in the letters and closed my eyes as my thumb hovered over the enter button. I pressed down in it made the little unlocking sound. Really Jeff? 'DaltonWarblers'? I questioned in my head. I was tempted to get up and happy dance, but ruled against it considering Jeff's a light sleeper. I went through his texting app and added all the people to a group chat. "Hey guys this is Jeff's Twin brother Riker here... I'm throwing him a surprise party and it was be great if you all would come. He misses you all. If you have any further questions text me at (Riker's Number). Please don't respond, or else Jeff will know. RSVP to the number above. Bye." I sent then deleted. I plugged Jeff's phone back in and went to bed.

Rocky's P.O.V
I went to the store the next day. I walked through the isles of 'Party Central' looking for anything the reminded me of Jeff. I had a couple red and blue streamer in the cart, but that won't do much. I'm gonna rent a helium tank and buy a couple bags of balloons. Some pool inflatables. And some other things. I found some balloons saying 'Sorry' and some saying 'Celebrate!' Both will go great. They are both have multy colours. I grabbed two bags of Sorry and five bags of celebrate. I collected some inflatesbles. I got paper plates, plastic silverware and colourful napkins. I got a couple other things and went to pay... I hope Jeff likes it.

Rydel's P.O.V
I walked around WalMart with my cart. I gathered ingredients to make homemade vanella cake, with chocolate icing and sprinkles. I got 6 bags of chips. Dill pickle, All dressed, Sunchips, Cheesys and two bags of Party Mix. I went down the drink isle and got a box of rootbeer, a box of cream soda, a box of coke and iced tea. I got a viaity of candy, mostly Jeff's favorites. I headed towards the check out, wondering about if this'll work or not...

Ryland's P.O.V
I went on my laptop and started picking some a songs to play at Jeff's surprise party. I added some R5 songs, a couple Austin and Ally songs. Some radio hits. Viral hits. And I searched the internet for Jeff's Warbler thingy. They had a lot of YouTube videos. I added all the ones of them performing on stage and they were soooooo cool. My big bro is amazing! I added a couple more songs and went to print all my jams. As it printed I started think of everything that could go wrong... I hope this works....

Alright guys late update. I was away and had No WiFi. So I updated now. But I have to go to bed. So, the next chapter will be Ross' P.O.V and the party... Who thinks it'll go well? Ideas? Closest guess wins a dedication :p

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