Chapter 14

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Riker's P.O.V

My plan is playing out perfectly. All Jeff's friends from Lima are coming, everyone from here is coming, and we even have two kinds of cake! Ice-cream cake and vanilla cake. Everyone is coming at 5:30 and Ross is supposed to bring Jeff back at 6. I stood in the backyard, doing a mental check list. The balloons were red and navy Blue cause I know Jeff likes those colours. The food, was all finger foods, mini sandwhiches, chips, fruit platters, veggies and dip. We got a couple boxes of chocolates, and lots of boxes of popcicles. One cake says welcome home and the other says we're sorry. It might confuse some people but we will know what it means. It's now 5 and we are finishing up. "The decorations look great!" I smiled at Rocky. He gave me a thumbs up and continued hanging Reb and Blue streamers. I walked go the food table and went threw the line, looking at all the food. We have 5 coolers, 3 for drinks and 2 for ice-cream. The ice-cream cake is in the freezer and Rydel is putting the finishing touches on the vanella cake. Ryland was setting up his equipment, he had a screen set up so we could play some videos too. This is going so great! It's 5:20, and the doorbell just went off. It was a group of guys who look kinda firmillar, but not really. "Uh Hi, is this Jeff's house?" Asked a shorter guy with perfectly gelled hair and a bowtie. I nodded. The guy smiled and held his hand out, "Blaine Anderson. Riker I assume?" I nodded. He smiled and all the guys walked in. "You guys can wait in the living room or head out back." I said, a little confused by the properness. They nodded and walked outback. I wonder how Ross is doing.

Ross' P.O.V

I took Jefg to the mall. "What did you say you needed Ross?" He asked. "I uh I need medicine." I said the first thing to come to mind. "Why is something wrong?" He asked worried. I feel horrible for lying to him but, I have to do this. "Uh my stomach hurts..." I said, acting sick. He believes it, thank you Austin and Ally. "Okay let's get you some drugs then." Jeff placed his arm over my shoulders. He started leading me then totally opposite way. I didn't say anything, because as soon as he finds it, he'll buy the medicine and take me home. It's only 4. We wondered around for an hour. "Ugh where is it?" Jeff groaned in frustration. I smiled, but frowned when he looked at me. "Maybe I'm just hungry." I groaned, as we passed the food court. The lines were huge, so he could be waiting in the lines for a half an hour of so. "Okay, what do you want?" He asked. I skimmed each line, and saw a McDonalds had the longest line, plus they were training new employees so that adds a couple minutes to each order. "I could go for McDonalds fries." I sent him a small smile. "Okay little bro, Fries coming up." He walked in stood in the 10 person line. I pulled my phone quickly and started texting Riker.
Ross: Okay he's waiting in the McDonalds line.
Riker: What for?
Ross: He thinks I'm sick and I told his I wanted McDonalds.
Riker: Don't you hate McDonalds?
Ross: Yep. See what I'm doing for you guys.
Riker: Lol, well people are starting to come. Text me when your own your way back.
Ross: Kk.
I saw Jeff approaching me with  McDonalds fries and I quickly put my head down on the table, and made myself look as sick as I could. He took a seat. "Here's your fries, do you wanna see a doctor or something?" I sickly picked my head up and looked at him. "No I'm fine... And I'm not hungry anymore." I said as I looked at the Fries, it made my stomach unhappy. I put my head down and closed my eyes. I opened them a little to see Jeff eating the fries. "Are you sure you don't wanna see a doctor or something?" Jeff asked worriedly, holding a fry. I shook my head and sat down. "Well lets get you some medicine and head home then." Jeff smiled at me sympotheticly. I nodded and he put his arms over my shoulders again. This time Jeff found the store. He picked out the grossest medicine, I know because mom buys that kind, and headed to the checkout. the time was 5:45, it takes 10 minutes to get home. We walked to the car and Jeff poured the medicine into the cup and held it out to me. "Drink it." He said. I glared at the the liquidly goop, in the tablespoon cup. I looked at Jeff to see him watching me. "I'm not moving the car, until you drink that." Oh great. I took the medicine like a swig of alcohol. Yuck much worse that alchohol. Jeff smiled. He started the car and we started towards the house. Ross: I really hate you.
Riker: Why??
Ross: Jeff just make me take a shot of medicine.
Riker: Lol, what kind?
Ross: Moms kind!
Riker: YUCK!
Ross: Tell me about it. The taste lingers. And we're like 5 minutes away.
Riker: Okay, I'll get everyone to be quiet. You have the gift in your car right?
Ross: Okay and Yep.
Riker: Thanks for doing this Ross, it means a lot to us.
Ross: No problem bro, anything for you guys! Bye now!
Riker: Later.
"Who you texting?" Jeff asked in a singsong voice. "Uh a friend." I said. "Mhmm sureee." I glared at him. 3 more minutes to go... "We're home." I nodded and jumped out. "I'm hot I'm jumping the pool!" I said slaming my door before he could respond. I started running and I heard his door open then slam. "Ross wait, you'll get sicker!" He yelled. I continued and stripped my shirt off, all the eyes in the backyard on me. They were hiding behind tables, pool inflatables, and in the bushes. I jumped in the water as Jeff reached the gate. I poped my head up and climbed out, "Ross you could get mor-" "SURPRISE!" Everyone poped up, yelling and cheering. "AHHHH!" Jeff yelled scared. We all laughed and he blushed. "Wait do your not sick?" He asked. "Eh..." I answered, the McDonalds food make me a little sick.

Riker's P.O.V

The party is going great. Jeff and his friends are all hanging out, our friends met Jeff. Ratliff is running late. Jeff forgave us, and Ross is kinda mad at us for the whole medicine thing... Everything is going great. I walked into the kitchen, and started filling another bowl with chips. "Great party Jeff, Congratulations, on your new family." I turned around to be face to face with Jeff's Friend Nick. "Uh." I didn't get a chance to say anything. "So I'm planning on moving out here." He said with a smirk. He leaned in and kissed me, I was to shocked to move. I have nothing against people who like the same gender, but it gets weird when they are kissing me. Wait is Jeff gay? Nick pulled away, winkwd and walked back out to the party. In the doorway, I saw Jeff, with his mouth hung open. Before I could say anything he disappeared..............

Okay so I know, it's been forever, since I updated. I've been moving and I'm writing this in my truck as we drive cross-country for 15 days so. I'll try to update soon, but it might be awhile. Once I'm totally moved in the updates will be more frequently, cause I'll have better WiFi then hotel WiFi. Now who saw that coming?! Nick kissed Riker, while Jeff was watching! Thoughts on that? Comment below. May the odds be ever in your favor.... Good Damn Bye!!! #JoeyGraceffaMoment

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